- Estate in this city is a secure investment. 在这座城市,地产是可靠的投资。
- Designed and built by Becton, managed by the YMCA and supported by the University of Melbourne, College Square offers a secure investment with a two year rental guarantee of 6.25% in year one and 6.5% in year two. 该项目配套设施齐全,有游泳池,健身房,各类运动场所和专为学生设计的学习室,并提供24小时封闭式管理;公寓内设计精致实用,装修舒适高雅,家具配备一应俱全,非常适合学生居住。
- We are taking about a very secure investment here. 我们提供的是非常稳健的投资。
- a good investment; a secure investment. 有利的投资;可靠的投资。
- A secure place for the feet; a foothold. 立足处支撑脚的安全地方; 立足处
- The term "Beneficiary Certificate" used in these Regulations refers to a security which is issued by the securities investment trust enterprise for raising the securities investment trust fund. 本办法所称受益凭证,指证券投资信?事业为募集证券投资信?基金而发行之有价证券。
- The minimum paid-in capital amount of a securities investment trust enterprise or securities investment consulting enterprise shall be fully subscribed by the promoters at the time of incorporation. 发起人应于发起时一次认足证券投资信讬事业或证券投资顾问事业之最低实收资本额;
- To place or conceal in a secure place. 隐藏放置或隐藏在安全的地方
- Article 57 A securities investment trust enterprise or securities investment consulting enterprise operating discretionary investment business shall do so in compliance with operating rules. 第57条证券投资信讬事业或证券投资顾问事业办理全权委讬投资业务,应依业务操作之规定为之。
- Tie the two ropes together with a secure knot. 将两条绳子打个结实的结系在一起。
- A security guard was killed in the bank raid. 这次银行抢劫案中有一名保安遇害。
- The document shall be kept in a secure place. 文件应保管在安全的地方。
- We all hope for a secure old age. 我们都希有个无无虑的晚年。
- This gave him a secure feeling of isolation. 这就使他感到有一种难解的孤寂。
- All the people who know this secret represent a security risk. 凡是知道这个秘密的人都对安全造成危险。
- Store the backup in a secure, off-site location. 将备份异地存储在一个安全位置。
- You may pay online via a secure route. 您将通过一个安全的路由进行在线支付。
- Post the files to a secure network share. 将文件投递到安全的网络共享。
- She is said to have got a secure job in a big firm. 据说她在一家大公司得到一份稳定的工作。
- Oriental Securities Investment Advisory Co., Ltd. 亚东证券投资顾问股份有限公司。