- A shifty, dishonest person; a trickster. 骗子惯耍花招的、不诚实的人; 骗子
- He looked like a shifty underworld character. 他看起来是个鬼头鬼脑的下流社会的角色。
- A shifty, dishonest person;a trickster. 骗子惯耍花招的、不诚实的人;骗子
- We got to look out for the signs - empty hangers and shifty looks. 我们得注意一切偷窃的迹象,包括店里空空的衣架和顾客诡诈的眼神。
- Fourth Elder Chang, a vigorous looking fellow, has a much large thrush cage. 常四爷雄赳赳的,提着大而高的画眉笼。
- He is a shifty fellow. 他是个贼头贼脑的家伙。
- And who is the butcherly looking fellow whom he sent forward to order breakfast? 这时他脸色通红,因为在一个赤手空拳的老人面前刚讲过的话很可能被理解为空洞的大话。
- He used to be a fine fresh - looking fellow,but after fifteen years of West Africa he came home yellow as a guinea and thin as a matchstick. 他过去是一位精神十足的人,但是在西非生活15年后回家时,脸黄黄的,而且人骨瘦如柴。
- It was the latter attribute that caused him to fall for the wrong woman, a shifty changeling who conned him into fronting a spice-mining scheme. 而后者,让他爱上不该爱的女人,一个狡诈的变身人(*)诱使他面对一个香料采集的阴谋。
- He's a tricky fellow to do business with. 他诡计多端难以共事。
- I look at this problem from a different viewpoint. 我从不同的观点来看这个问题。
- A young fellow, dressed to kill, came. 一个穿着十分惹眼的小伙子走了过来。
- Jack is a clever fellow in all conscience. 杰克的确是一个聪明的家伙。
- He was a fellow clerk of mine, and a hard case. 他是我的同事,一个不可救药的人。
- Two suspicious looking fellows were seen hanging about the village last evening. 昨晚看见有两个可疑的人在树里徘徊。
- I used to look on him as a friend. 我以前把他看作是一位朋友。
- "He's a fine looking fellow," said another “他的上衣好象是新的,他的皮靴真亮。
- I know a fellow who live for year by his wit. 我认识一个人,好多年来他就靠施展小聪明过日子。
- A committee was set up to look into the workers' grievances. 成立了一个委员会来调查工人的不满。
- He's such a good swimmer that he makes me look sick. 他游得这么好,真叫我相形见绌。