- a shortfall in tax revenue 税收收入不足
- There will be a shortfall in wheat supplies this year. 今年的小麦供应会有一定数量的短缺。
- There will soon be a shortfall in supply of qualified young people. 合格年轻人才的短缺将很快出现。
- The Government would not only suffer a loss in tax revenue, but also have to refund tax collected in preceding years. 在这种情况下,政府不但税收减少,还要把往年已收的税款退回。
- Israel is withholding about 50 million dollars each month in tax revenue that it collects for the Palestinia . 以色列扣留了为巴勒斯坦当局征收的每月约五千万美元税收。
- The blame goes to a slump in tax revenue, and a surge in spending on the bank bailout. 人们纷纷责怪税收收入的下降以及在救助银行业方面的大量花费。
- "The government can afford the decline in tax revenue triggered by the new corporate income tax law," Jin said. 金部长说:“政府能够负担得起由新的公司所得税法触发而下降的国家税收岁入。
- There's still a huge shortfall in our funds. 我们的资金还有很大缺口。
- The furloughs, which basically act as salary cuts for state workers, are the latest response to plunges in tax revenue because of the recession. 强制休假对州工作人员来说实际上就是减薪,这是对衰退造成的政府税收收入减少的最新对应方法。
- If the Government can only see an increase in tax revenue, only about corporate profit growth, to ignore the income of workers and consumers, the economy may fall into stagnation. 如果政府只看到税收的增加,企业只关心利润的增长,无视职工的收入与消费,那么,经济就可能陷入停滞。
- MUNNELL,ALICIA H.How Does Infrastructure Affect Regional Economic Performance?In Is There a Shortfall in Public Capital Investment?[J].Proceedings of Federal Reserve Bank of Boston conference,1990(6). 缪仕国.;江苏省基础设施投资对社会其他部门投资影响效应研究[J]
- In 2004, China's top 500 taxpaying enterprises paid a total RMB 497.765 billion in tax, accounting for nearly one-fifth of that year's national tax revenue. 2004年度,中国纳税500强企业纳税总额达4977.;65亿元,占当年全国税收总收入的近五分之一。
- Sentiment in the town is now in favor of a cut in tax. 市民的情绪是赞成减税。
- They are hoping for a small diminution in taxes. 他们希望税捐略微减少。
- Some of the reduction is due to greater fiscal prudence and reduced tax evasion, but it also reflects a cyclical upswing in tax revenue on the back of the economic boom and low interest rates, thanks to the global liquidity glut. 这部分应归功于更为审慎的财政政策与漏税行为的减少,但另一原因也起了重要作用:由于全球流动性过剩,在经济繁荣及低利率的情况下,印度正处于税收收入的周期性上升阶段。
- The IRS accused KPMG of peddling a series of tax shelters to rich investors, involving Cayman and other OFCs, which generated$11 billion in phoney tax losses and deprived the government of at least$2.5 billion in tax revenue. 美国国税局起诉毕马威向一些富有的投资商们提供非法避税手段,其中包括开曼群岛和其他一些离岸金融中心的企业,这导致了110亿美元的税款流失,让美国政府至少损失了25亿美元的税收。
- I begrudge every penny I pay in tax. 我交税交的每一便士心里都不痛快。
- Alleviate the problem of a shortfall in school places 纾缓学额不足的问题
- Most of the red ink results from the enormous hole the recession has punched in GDP and consequently in tax revenue, the cost of bailing out the financial system, and interest on the mounting debt. 大部分的赤字金融危机降低了GDP,进而减少了税收,拯救金融系统的开销,还有不断上升的债务的利息引发了大部分的财政赤字。
- It's such a chore filling in tax forms. 填写纳税申报表格真是件令人讨厌的事。