- The ingenious boy made a radio set for himself. 这个聪明的男孩自己做了一台收音机。
- The ingeniousboy made a radio set for himself. 这个聪明的男孩自己做了一台收音机。
- valve radio set 电子管收音机
- His second putt holed him out for a six . 他第二次轻击使球入洞,使他得6分。
- We should first calibrate the radio set. 我们应该首先对收音机进行调谐。
- I used to get up a six in the morning. 以前我通常早时晨六点钟起床。
- The electrician refitted my old radio set. 电工将我的旧收音机加以改装。
- Each one of them does a six hours' spell of duty. 他们每个人值六小时的班。
- Whichever you buy,there is a six month guarantee. 不管买哪个都有六个月的保用期.
- The knob of the radio set came away easily. 那台收音机的旋钮一动就掉了。
- Put two naughts after a six to make six hunmdred. 在6后面加两个零成为600。
- Can you get BBC on this radio set? 你能用这台收音机接受bbc吗?
- His second putt holed him out for a six. 他第二次轻击使球入洞,使他得6分。
- Who does this radio set belong to? 这台收音机是谁的?
- Put two naughts after a six to make six hundred. 在6后面加两个零成为600。
- I won't buy your radio set beyond my offer. 只要超出我出的价钱,我就不买你这台收音机。
- Whichever you buy, there is a six month guarantee. 不管买哪个都有六个月的保用期.
- He is adept at fixing radio set. 他擅长修理收音机。
- A six pulse trigging module is used for trigger. 上述两块电路板构成的控制单元可以实现恒流变速锯切。
- This radio set is unconventionally shaped. 这个收音机样子很别致。