- By a strange twist of fate, Andy and I were on the same plane. 由于命运的奇特安排,我和安迪乘坐了同一架飞机。
- a strange twist of fate 命运的奇异改变
- A twist of fate; a story with a quirky twist. 命运的扭转; 跌宕起伏的故事
- The story has a strange twist in chapter 15. 故事情节在第十五章有了出乎意料的转折。
- By what twist of fate did she end up a millionaire? 是什么命运的扭转使她最后成了一名百万富翁?
- What strange twists of fate had caused a refuge from Nazi persecution to wind up in Arabia as the representative of American democracy. 是受了什么稀奇古怪的命运的主宰,使我能从一个逃脱了纳粹迫害的难民如今变成了代表美国这个民主国家出使阿拉伯世界的使者的呢!
- In a strange twist of events, this time Ferrari is at the losing end of some corporate espionage undertaken by rival manufacturer Aston Martin - although this time it wasn't in the F1 paddock. 在一个陌生的捻度的事件,这一次法拉利是在结束了一些商业间谍所制造商阿斯顿马丁竞争对手-虽然这一次不是在F1的围场.
- But for a cruel twist of fate, he could now run his own business. 要不是时运不济,他现在可能正在经营自己的公司了。
- Linnea - Twist Of Fate (with sing ... 萧敬腾夏日八度演唱会2008 ...
- Mike was like me in that he was in this school by a twist of fate. 他和我一样由于命运的捉弄而进了这所学校。
- The Monkey King' is an extraordinary tale with a strange twist at the end. 美猴王是个离奇的传说,结尾有意想不到的波折。
- By a strange quirk of fate they had booked into the same hotel. 真是天缘奇遇,他们住进了同一家旅馆。
- By a curious twist of fate we met again only a week or so later. 由于命运巧妙的安排,大约只过了一周我们又相逢了。
- What strange twists of fate had caused a refuge from Nazi persecution to wind up in arabia as the representative of American democracy 是受了什么稀奇古怪的命运的主宰,使我能从一个逃脱了纳粹迫害的难民如今变成了代表美国这个民主国家出使阿拉伯世界的使者的呢!
- Therefore, it is indeed a strange twist in history that Pope Benedict was very graciously received at Yad Vashem. 因此,教宗本笃在大屠杀纪念馆获殷勤款待,扭转了历史,确实令人感到奇特。
- Linnea - Twist Of ...Linnea - Twist Of Fate (with sing along lyrics) ... 萧敬腾夏日八度演唱会2008 ...
- But their lives collide when a twist of fate puts Lucas on Nathans team. 他们之间有一个隐藏得很好的秘密:他们是同父异母兄弟。
- He was wearing a strange species of hat. 他戴着一种奇怪的帽子。
- But their lives collide when a twist of fate puts Lucas on Nathan's team. 他们之间有一个隐藏得很好的秘密:他们是同父异母兄弟。
- Jealousy is a strange transformer of characters. 忌妒是改变性格的奇怪因素。