- The footballer took a strike at the goal. 那个足球队员飞脚射门。
- The mines have been closed by a strike. 由于罢工矿井关闭了。
- The steel workers called a strike. 钢铁工人发动了罢工。
- A strike is a mass refusal to work by a body of employee. 罢工就是大量雇员集体拒绝工作。
- They will call a strike if they don't get more money. 如果不调高工资,他们将号召罢工。
- In the unlikely event of a strike, production would be badly affected. 罢工未必能发生,若一旦发生,生产势必受到严重影响。
- The umpire called the pitch a strike. (棒球)裁判判该球为好球。
- His stupid remarks triggered off a strike. 他说的蠢话引发了一场罢工。
- If labour and management don't reach an accommodation there will be a strike. 如果劳资双方达不成妥协,就会发生罢工。
- Black and white show a striking contrast. 黑和白形成明显的对比。
- The workers balloted for a strike. 工人对是否罢工进行无记名投票表决。
- Holy cow! He changed him up for a strike! 好家伙!他变换手法打了个慢球!
- The chapel voted against a strike. 印刷工会投票反对罢工。
- You are talking a strike,aren't you? 你们是不是想罢工?
- Their own badly torn industrial fabric could be repaired. 以待恢复其本身贫乏破碎的工业。
- A strike that crippled the factory. 罢工使工厂陷于瘫痪
- Workers who go on working when there is a strike. 当有罢工时还继续工作的工人。
- The girl's face had a stricken look. 那女孩愁眉不展。
- A strike is now a distinct possibility. 目前罢工确有可能发生。
- The union leaders made a spot decision to stage a strike. 工会领导人当场作出罢工的决定。