- I find a surplus store and buy a pocket calculator. 我找到一家出售剩余物品的商店,买了一台袖珍计算机。
- I found a surplus store and bought a pocket calculator. 我找到一家出售剩余物品的商店,买了一台袖珍计算机。
- An inflow of capital is a surplus. 资本的输入是一项顺差。
- The enemy had a surplus of refining capacity. 敌人的炼油能力过剩。
- Now there's a surplus of people for such jobs. 现在这些人不缺,还有多余的。
- A surplus of supply will lead to a drop in price. 供过于求将导致物价下跌。
- An amount in excess of need; a surplus. 剩余超出需要的量; 过剩
- The accounts show a surplus of 2,000 yuan. 收支相抵, 净存两千元。
- a surplus population 过剩的人口
- A surplus of exports over imports will boost employment. 出口大于进口的顺差自然将提供就业。
- There is a surplus of over ten tons of cement from the project. 这项工程节余水泥十多吨。
- The modernization of Chinese economy is facing the task to urbanize a large surplus population in the rural areas that is the migration of labor from the rural to the urban. 中国要实现工业化、现代化,面临的一个基本任务是要把为数众多的农业剩余人口转变为非农人口、城市人口。这个转变的具体表现形式就是乡城劳动力迁移。
- A swelled head doesn't always indicate a surplus of brains. 自负的人不一定有颗智慧的脑袋。
- An amount or quantity beyond what is normal or sufficient;a surplus. 超额量超过正常或所需或数额的数量;盈余
- Nobody can have too many friends, but one enemy may constitute a surplus. 朋友再多不算多,敌人一个就够了。
- An amount or quantity beyond what is normal or sufficient; a surplus. 超额量超过正常或所需或数额的数量; 盈余
- The 2000-2001 financial year saw a moderate growth in business volumes in its core services and the department achieved a surplus of $42 million. 二零零零至零一财政年度,该处的主要业务出现温和增长,获得4,200万元盈余。
- This city has a population of more than 1,000,000. 这个城市人口超过一百万。
- When a country's exports exceed its imports, that part of the balance of payments will show a surplus. 当一个国家的出口大于其进口时,他的国际收支表的该项目下就全出现顺差。
- An object is positively charged if it has a shortage of electrons, it is negative if it has a surplus of electrons. 一个物体如果缺少电子就带正电荷;如果电子过多就带负电。