- There is a swarm of bees in the tree. 这树上有一窝蜜蜂。
- I saw a swarm of bees attacking the poor monkey. 我看到一群蜜蜂正在攻击可怜的猴子。
- Pam Shriver once had to contend with a swarm of bees. 帕姆·史莱弗曾有过一次在比赛中与一大群蜜蜂斗争的经历。
- On the far farm the army's arms are kept warm by a swarm of bees. 在远方的农场上,陆军的武器被一群蜜蜂保暖。
- A swarm of bees are following the queen-bee to find a suitable place to establish a new home. 一群蜜蜂跟着蜂王去寻找个合适的地方建立新家。
- It was like a small swarm of bees. 人群就像是一群蜜蜂。
- The way the young people do things they are like a swarm of bees;they all like to get in on the excitement. 年轻人做事总是一窝蜂似的,喜欢凑热闹。
- A swarm of journalists followed the film star's car. 一大群记者跟在电影明星的汽车后面。
- We know a swarm of bees, or a cloud of modems, or a network of brain neurons, or a food web of animals, or a collective of agents. 我们知道蜂群、电脑网络、大脑神经元网络、动物的食物链以及动因聚合体(acollctiveofagents)。
- She left amid a swarm of photographers. 她离开时一群摄影记者围着她。
- The Amorites who lived in those hills came out against you;they chased you like a swarm of bees and beat you down from Seir all the way to Hormah. 住那山地的亚摩利人就出来攻击你们,追赶你们如蜂拥一般,在西珥杀退你们,直到何珥玛。
- He has received a swarm of letters. 他已经收到了一大批信件。
- The Amorites who lived in those hills came out against you; they chased you like a swarm of bees and beat you down from Seir all the way to Hormah. 44住那山地的亚摩利人就出来攻击你们,追赶你们,如蜂拥一般,在西珥杀退你们,直到何珥玛。
- He was working in a yard once when a beehive spewed a swarm of bees "like a flow of black lava, dissolving, then taking wing. 有一次,他正在院子里干活,突然一个蜂箱涌出一大群蜜蜂“像流淌的黑色熔岩,渐渐消溶,然后腾空而起。”
- A swarm of bees surged over. 一群蜜蜂蜂拥而至地扑了过来。
- Sound waves from the iceberg had a frequency of around0.5 hertz, too low to be heard by humans, but by playing them at higher speed the iceberg sounded like a swarm of bees or an orchestra warming up, the scientists said. 科学家说,冰山传来的声波频率约为0.;5赫兹,因为频率过低人类听不到,但是若是以较快的速度播放,冰山听起来就像是成群的蜜蜂声或是管弦乐队在热场。
- An atom is mostly empty space with almost all its substance concentrated into a tiny kernel called the nucleus, and the electrons can be imagined as flying around the nucleus like a swarm of bees. 原子基本上是个一无所有的空间,其中的所有物质几乎全部集中于一个被称为原子核的微小核心中,而电子则可以假想为一群围绕着原子核飞行的蜜蜂。
- Sound waves from the iceberg had a frequency of around 0.5 hertz, too low to be heard by humans, but by playing them at higher speed the iceberg sounded like a swarm of bees or an orchestra warming up, the scientists said. 科学家说,冰山传来的声波频率约为0.;5赫兹,因为频率过低人类听不到,但是若是以较快的速度播放,冰山听起来就像是成群的蜜蜂声或是管弦乐队在热场。
- She left a swarm of photographers behind her. 她把一大群摄影记者甩在身后。
- A lot of leather shoes manufacturers laid the view the moneybag of green girls now, ground of like a swarm of bees produces trendy leather shoes, and desolate in senile client group. 现在许多皮鞋生产厂将目光瞄准了青春女孩们的钱袋,一窝蜂地生产新潮皮鞋,而冷落了中老年顾客群。