- I've got a tame mechanic who keeps my car in order. 我有个随和的汽车修理工,他把我的车保养得很好。
- It was a tame book and he soon fell asleep over it. 那是一本平淡无奇的书,不久他就趴在书上睡著了。
- A boy was playing with a tame snake. 一个男孩在玩一条驯服了的蛇。
- a tame jolly 民兵, 义勇兵
- I've got a tame mechanicwho keeps my car in order. 我有个随和的汽车修理工,他把我的车保养得很好。
- A wise goose never lays a tame egg. 虎父无犬子
- Wild goose never laid a tame egg. 野鹅不会下好蛋。
- He cowed them with his hard eyes like a tamer among beasts. 他以严厉的眼光吓他们,活象兽群中间的驯兽师。
- Sometimes a tame elephant is tethered nearby to give the wild one confidence. 有时把一头驯服的象拴在附近以取得野象的信任。
- I' ve got a tame mechanic who keeps my car in order. 我有个随和的汽车修理工; 他把我的车保养得很好.
- The Indian, a tame one, bought a ribbon from him by signs. 一个开化的印第安人,比划着向他买了一条缎带。
- I have a tame doctor who'll always give me a sick note when I want a day off. 我的医生对我百依百顺,我想要休一天假时,他总会给我开病假条。
- Laura is a jolly girl; she laughs a lot. 劳拉是个开心的姑娘,她总是笑哈哈的。
- When caught in close quarters, a turkey puts on a tame and innocent demeanor of the domesticated bird. 当在近处被抓,火鸡会摆出一副驯服和无辜的如同驯养鸟的样子。
- Your mother is a jolly, easy-going woman. 你妈妈是个乐呵呵的容易相处的人。
- When the diplomats were later taken to the same temple the authorities made sure that only a tame monk was on hand to talk. 当稍后到达的外交官被带来这座寺庙时,官方只允许一个被驯服的僧侣与外交官们接触。
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 转寄给我们的邮件晚了很久才拿到。
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗热鸡汤对你有好处。
- I say "great sovereign state" with design and emphasis, for I reject the view that Britain and the Commonwealth shluld now be relegated to a tame and minor role in the world. 我故意地强调“伟大的主权国家”,因为我决不认为,英国和英联邦现在只能在世界上扮演平淡的,次要的角色。