- The young girl in the picture has a thoughtful and solemn mien. 画中的年轻女孩带着一副沉思而又严肃的神态。
- a thoughtful and solemn mien 一副若有所思而又严肃的表情
- A thoughtful and responsible pupil with an inquiring mind. 深思好问,有责任感。彬彬有礼,平易近人。
- He was a thoughtful fellow, gentle and encouraging. 他是个思想丰富的人,文雅而又鼓舞人。
- That put us all in a thoughtful mood. 这使我们大家陷入了沉思。
- He is no mope, only thoughtful and quiet. 他不是那种忧郁的人,只是好思考,不多说话。
- Sometime after Sidney died, his widow, Tillie, was finally able to speak about what a thoughtful and wonderful man her late husband had been. 悉尼死了一段时间后,他的遗孀,逖丽,终于能够谈论她死去的丈夫是如何一个体贴且特别好的人。
- Friends Houndsley and Catina are sad because they do not know when their birthdays are, but they solve the problem in a thoughtful and creative way. 图书性质:平价/非现货图书(想了解什么是非现货图书,请点击这里)
- We sung the hymn in measured and solemn strain. 我们要在精致而庄严的弦乐中唱上一首赞歌。
- He was solitary from his dark and solemn vices. 他之所以孤独,是由于他那邪恶而肮脏的罪孽。
- What deserves being thoughtful and sad when you are just a child? 小小年纪,有什么值得你心事重重,满腹忧愁?
- In describing these developments, Gregor is a thoughtful and sure-footed guide, relying on solid archival research, marshalling his facts well and remaining cogent in his arguments. 在描述这些发展进程时,格里格是一位深思熟虑、脚步稳健的向导,他依据详实可靠的档案研究,其论据恰当,论点令人信服。
- He relapsed into a thoughtful mood at once. 他立刻又陷入沉思中。
- He had a thoughtful look on his face. 他脸上露出深思的表情。
- The building of such a peace is a bold and solemn purpose. 建立这样的和平,是一个无畏而严肃的目标。
- I'm haunted with gloomy thoughts and sad memories. 我常为悲观的思想和悲痛的追念所困扰。
- His mother was a thoughtful woman. 他母亲是一位善解人意的女人。
- She had a thoughtful look on her face. 她脸上有一种沉思的表情。
- The girl looked thoughtful and sad. 这女孩看上去心事重重,满腹忧愁。
- In spite of his silence, he is a thoughtful man. 尽管他不作声,但他仍是一个有思想的人。