- He was in a towering rage about his lost watch. 他因丟了手表而暴怒不已。
- After a quarrel with his friend, he left in a towering rage. 跟朋友吵了几句,他就怒气冲冲地走了。
- He was in a towering rage. 他在大发雷霆。
- Just being contradicted can put him into a towering rage,but I've never known him to sulk or bear grudges. 只要遭到反驳就能使他勃然大怒,但我从来没看到过他生闷气或记恨。
- Just being contradicted can put him into a towering rage, but I've never known him to sulk or bear grudges. 只要遭到反驳就能使他勃然大怒,但我从来没看到过他生闷气或记恨。
- a towering rage; a fit of violent anger 怒火万丈
- be beside oneself with anger; be in a towering rage; boil with rage 怒不可遏
- to be in a towering rage;to be in a fury;to go on the rampage; 狂暴的和不受控制的愤怒,常伴有狂骂 始皇暴怒 (2) ;
- be in a towering rage; be overcome with indignation; boil with anger 怒不可遏
- Elder Pun was a towering figure in my life. 潘前人是后学生命中的一位崇高之大人物。
- In the distance loomed a towering mountain. 在远处一座巍峨的高山隐约可见。
- Beethoven was a towering musical genius. 贝多芬是一个伟大的音乐天才。
- Mr Toda was a towering leader of kosen-rufu. 户田先生是广宣流布的伟大领袖。
- He was in such a towering passion that his children were terrified. 他大发雷霆,把孩子们给吓坏了。
- to be in a towering rage 怒不可遏
- a towering rage. 暴怒
- Be in a towering rage 大发雷霆
- in a towering rage 怒气冲天
- Church of the building structure is: positive for a towering two-Jianshi tall tower, blue sky Tajian line. 教堂的建筑结构是:正面为一对巍峨高耸的双尖石塔,塔尖直插蓝天。
- International Milan this morning is compelled in the main floor by Genoa 0:0, Commander in Chief Muliniao post-game towering rage. 国际米兰今晨在主场被热那亚逼成0比0,主帅穆里尼奥赛后火冒三丈。