- Has your action never given you a twinge of conscience? 你做这事不屈心吗?
- Don't you feel guilty about doing this kind of thing? or Has your action never given you a twinge of conscience? 你做出这样的事屈心不屈心哪?
- Michael often thought of Kay, of her smile, her body, and always felt a twinge of conscience at leaving-her so brutally without a word of farewell. 迈克尔时常想到恺,想到她的音容笑貌,想到她的身段。 他那么不近人情地丢开了她,临别连个招呼也没有打。 每次想到这一点,他总感到良心上一阵刺痛。
- This gave me more than a twinge of uneasiness. 这件事使我内心非常不安。
- He could not help feeling a twinge of panic. 他不由得一阵心慌意乱。
- A twinge of fear went through him. 他心中感到一阵恐慌。
- A twinge of pain shot through Winston's jaw. 温斯顿上颚一阵痛。
- But each time again there was a horrid twinge of conscience. 但同时,每一次又都要承受良心上的煎熬。
- I asked, with a twinge of annoyance. 我反问,带着一丝不快。
- a twinge of conscience, fear, guilt, regret, remorse, etc 良心、 恐惧、 内疚、 后悔、 悔恨等的一阵难受.
- Suffering a twinge of disappointment was Ms. 最失望的是瑞罗斯基小姐,也就是那位拉特格斯大学生。
- A twinge of conscience,fear,guilt,regret,remorse,etc 良心、恐惧、内疚、后悔、悔恨等的一阵难受.
- Remembering that promise. I felt a twinge of guilt. 忆起那个承诺。罪恶刺痛了我。
- You can neither blame nor commend him without some twinge of conscience. 你无论是责备他或是称赞他,良心上总不免有点刺痛的意味似的。
- a twinge of conscience 良心的责备
- Top a twinge of conscience 良心的责备;悔恨;内疚
- He might suffer the least rudimentary twinge of conscience in whatever he did, and in just so far he was evil and sinning. 也许他对自己做的事有那么一丁点儿的良心不安,那么就是在这一点儿上他是邪恶有罪的。
- "What did you have in mind?" I asked, with a twinge of annoyance. “你想玩什么?”我问,有一点恼火。
- I felt a twinge of envy for the people who lived there. 我对住在那儿的人产生过一阵嫉妒。
- I repeated Mama's sentence and refused, but felt (3) a twinge of guilt. 我重复着妈妈的话并拒绝他的要求;但是我感到内疚.