- An infraction or a violation of the rules of play. 犯规违反或触犯比赛规则
- Stealing was a violation of my ethics. 偷盗违背了我的道德标准。
- A violation of safety protocols; academic protocol. 违反安全行为标准学院规则
- Isn't this a violation of the Potsdam Declaration? 这难道还不是违背波茨坦公告吗?
- A violation of Navy security regulations. 他把文件放在家里至少违反了海军的安全条例。
- He roared that was a violation of the rules. 他大声说, 那是违反规则的。
- This is a violation of discipline. 这就是不守纪律!
- To steal, often in a violation of trust. 偷常指利用他人的信任而偷窃
- Intermarriage was a violation of holiness. 这是与圣洁有关的问题。
- He was stigmatized as a violator of the agreement. 他受到破坏协定的指责。
- We say that this was a violation of the Geneva Agreement. 我们说这是违反日内瓦协议的。
- An invasion or a violation of another's legal rights. 违法,犯罪对于别人法律权利的侵犯或侵害
- He claimed a violation of his rights under the fifth amendment. 他声称他在宪法第五修正案下的权利受到了侵犯。
- Any departure from this order is considered a violation of the laws. 任何背弃这个命令的行为都被认为是违法行为。
- How can it be said that this is a violation of the agreements ? 怎么能说这是违反协议呢?
- In a later proceeding, the court found a violation of FACA. 在后继的诉讼中,法院裁定该委员会违反了《联邦咨询委员会法》.
- In America , Taking Kickback is a Violation of Indian Law. 在美国,接受退赔的赃款触犯印度法
- This is a flagrant violation of human rights. 这是对人权的公然侵犯。
- We will not tolerate a continuation of a violation of an understanding. 我们决不可容忍继续违反一项达成的谅解。
- This concentration of forces is a violation of international agreements. 像这样集中兵力是违反国际公约的。