- I think Japan is a warlike nation. 我认为日本是一个好战的国家。
- The Spartans were a warlike people. 斯巴达人是尚武的民族.
- So the benefits is a warlike source. 所以利益是战争的根源。
- a warlike gesture 耀武扬威, 挑衅的姿态
- Some people used to regard China as a warlike country. 过去,在国际上有人认为中国是“好战”的。
- I can't bring myself to su ort a warlike government. 我无法使自己支持一个好战的政府。
- The state of being at war or being engaged in a warlike conflict. 交战处于战争或有战争危险的冲突状态
- I cannot bring myself to support a warlike government. 我无法使自己支持一个好战的政府。
- The state of being at waror being engaged in a warlike conflict. 交战处于战争或有战争危险的冲突状态。
- Military planes flew over the country in a warlike action. 军用飞机在进行军事演习时从该国上空飞过。
- I can't bring myself to support a warlike government. 我无法使自己支持一个好战的政府。
- They were a warlike tribe who lived deep in the heart of Asia. 他们是居住在亚洲中心地区的一支好战的部落。
- To be ignored of any one of the following four or five principles does not befit a warlike prince. 四五者,一不知,非霸王之兵也。
- He looked at me all over with a warlike eye, and I saw the challenge at his lips. 他用一副好战的眼光,把我浑身上下打量了一下,我看见,他的嘴唇已露出挑战的神气。
- To be ignored of any one of the following four or five principles does not befit a warlike prince. 四五者,不知一,非霸、王之兵也。
- A member of a warlike Thessalian people who were ruled by Achilles and followed him on the expedition against Troy. 迈密登好战的塞萨利人中的一员,受阿基里斯统治并随其远征特洛伊
- Willing to make apology? Chi gau sin la...a warlike "p o k e - g u y" will never do this in view of his personlity. "阿伟接受电话访问时强调....令他感到受恐吓,故深夜致电、发短讯及要求赔偿一万元,目的只想苏先生赔罪。他又表示拼音粗口在网上很普遍,如校方觉得受到影响,他愿意道歉。"
- When a warlike prince attacks a powerful state, his generalship shows itself in preventing the concentration of the enemy's forces. 夫霸王之兵,伐大国,则其众不得聚;
- There was in the northern part of Greece a land called Macedon;and this land was at one time ruled over by a warlike king named Philip. 希腊北部有个地方叫马其顿,一度由一位好战的君王菲利浦统治。
- When a warlike leader is in war, if his finances are bad or he has chosen dagger strat, he will be more reluctant to accept peace. 当好战倾向的领袖在战争期间,如果他的金融状况非常差劲,他将采取“匕首”策略(前面有介绍匕首策略),他将极其不愿意接受和平的请求。