- There is a widely held belief that "AKC" or "AKC papers" guarantee the quality of a dog.This is not the case. 很多人认为AKC或者AKC证书证明了一只狗的品质,这是不正确的。
- A traditional or widely held belief or opinion. 成见传统的或广为接受的信仰或意见。
- a widely held belief 普遍持有的信念
- Contrary to widely held belief, the aurora borealis is not strictly a phenomenon of winter lights in the Arctic. “无限荒野在空中,旅行者的帐篷里点燃了从内部演变成将恒星飞船的北极光。
- It's a comforting, widely held belief that we have at least some control over what is perhaps the most unpredictable thing of all: death. 这是一个令人欣慰、很多人持有的信念,至少我们在面对最不可预知的死亡面前能有些东西可以控制。
- The results of the aboe studies are surprising and certainly do not support the long-standing, widely held belief that CRRT proides better outcomes than IHD. 上述研究结果确实令人惊讶,而且肯定不支持长期存在且被广泛接受的关于CRRT转归优于IHD的观点。
- Any analysis of China’s growth prospects is clouded by the widely held belief that the government smoothes its GDP numbers and always overstates growth during economic downturns. 但是无论如何,对比中国以前的经济刺激措施,这次采取了一些适度的手段促进消费,例如提高农民和城市低收入者的收入。
- Any analysis of China's growth prospects is clouded by the widely held belief that the government smoothes its GDP numbers and always overstates growth during economic downturns. 然而,任何对中国增长前景的分析都被这样一个观点所困扰,即外界普遍认为中国政府对GDP数据做了缓和处理,而且总是在经济低潮期高报。
- The results of the above studies are surprising and certainly do not support the long-standing, widely held belief that CRRT provides better outcomes than IHD. 上述研究结果确实令人惊讶,而且肯定不支持长期存在且被广泛接受的关于CRRT转归优于IHD的观点。
- One widely held belief is that a sharp frightwill end a troublesome bout of hiccups , but manypeople prefer just waiting for them to go away as this“cure”is often worse than the ailment itself . 此句是一个带有原因状语从句的复合句;这种先“果”后“因”的表达习惯与汉语十分吻合.;可译为:但是艺术历史注意的不仅仅是这些;因为艺术反映的不单是一个民族的政治价值观;而且还有他们的宗教信仰、情感和心理特点
- It is a widely held axiom that they should not negotiate with terrorists. 他们不应与恐怖分子谈判是普遍接受的公理。
- In her new book, Blonde Like Me, Natalia Ilyin, a former lecturer in mythology at Yale, writes that the widely held belief that salvation can be found in a bottle of Nice'n Easy is rooted in fairy tales and myths. 正如曾任耶鲁大学神话学讲师的纳塔利亚·伊林在她的新书《像我这样的金发女人》中所说的那样,人们普遍相信一种源自神话和传说的观念:人的灵魂能从一瓶nice'nEasy中得到拯救。
- Boysdo worse in English when there are girls in their class, researcherswill say today, contradicting the widely held belief that girls arealways a good influence on boys in school. 研究人员今天宣称,当班上女生人数较多时,男生的英语就会学得较差。而人们以往普遍认为,在学校中,女生对男生总是有积极影响。
- But the critics were only expressing a widely held view that the subject matter of Carmen was beyond the pale for polite Parisian society. 然而,当时的评论家只是表达了一种广泛的观点:巴黎上流社会无法容忍这部歌剧的题材。
- The flood cut a wide swath in this area. 洪水席卷了这一地区,满目一片疮痍。
- The paper has a wide readership. 该报拥有广泛的读者。
- In current popular usuage it often means merely a corpus of erroneous but widely held beliefs. 在目前流行的习惯用语里,它常常只是指一些有错误的,但又广为坚持的信念的素材。
- We sell a wide range of ales and stouts. 我们出售种类繁多的浓啤酒和黑啤酒。
- In current popular usage it often means merely a corpus of erroneous but widely held beliefs. 在目前流行的习惯用语里,它常常只是指一些有错误的,但又广为坚持的信念的素材。
- A widely held theory is that Qumran was inhabited by the Hebrew sect called the Essenes. 普遍地认为库姆兰会社是希伯来人教派称为艾赛尼派教徒居住的地方。