- A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader. 基于精神领袖的教诲的一套信仰,价值观和行为。
- As a spiritual leader, the apostle Paul explained that he was in labor until Christ was born full-term in the Galatians who followed him. 作为一个属灵领袖,使徒保罗解释说,他正在受生产之苦,直到基督在加拉太教会信徒身上足月出生。
- Every time one has a chance to meet Supreme Master Ching Hai, a spiritual leader admired worldwide for Her charitable work, one can see Her dynamic personality and open sincerity. 每次有幸得见清海无上师这位以慈善工作广为人们爱戴的女修行者,都可目睹其奕奕神采和坦诚开放。
- Beauvoir is well-known all over the world as a famous existentialist philosopher, ideologist, litterateur, social activist and a spiritual leader of feminism. 摘要波伏娃以存在主义哲学家、思想家、文学家、社会活动家和女权运动精神领袖的多彩人生蜚声世界。
- A good spiritual leader like Buddha? 好的属灵领袖,像佛祖那样?
- Their spiritual leader is a shaman. 巫师是他们的精神领袖。
- a spiritual leader in a non-Christian religion. 非基督教的精神上的领袖。
- Motivated by a spiritual force or genius; inspired. 产生灵感的被神圣的力量或神灵激励的; 受鼓舞的
- I became the spiritual leader and teacher at home. 我在家里成为了属灵领袖和导师。
- Animals also help humans in a spiritual way. 动物也为人类带来精神慰籍。
- A spiritual one hit its target, Po I-po. 精神的糖衣炮弹打中了一个靶子,就是薄一波。
- The pastor is a spiritual advisor. 牧师是灵魂顾问。
- Tom spent his life on a spiritual quest. 汤姆毕生都在进行一种精神追求。
- The blue Mosque is a spiritual refuge for Muslim. 蓝清真寺是回教徒精神依归之所
- It is unseemly for the spiritual leader of Tibet to spy on people. 对于西藏的精神领袖来说窥看他的人民是不体面的.
- We are living in a spiritual battlefield. 我们生活在属灵战场之内。
- He became his countrys spiritual leader, as it were. 他可说是成了国家的精神领袖。
- In philosophy, a spiritual turn is in the offing. 在哲学上,一种精神性的转向即将到来。
- The Pope is the spiritual leader of many Christians. 教皇是众多基督徒的宗教领袖.
- It makes a spiritual man of a carnal one. 能使血肉的人,成为神人。