- a steamy bathroom 水汽弥漫的浴室
- Nothing wicks [2] moisture away better on a steamy August day. 在潮湿的八月份,没有什么能比棉花更能吸去潮气的了。
- Janet Reibstein, the author of Love life, says that a steamy weekend is a he alty way for busy couples to reconnect. 《爱情生活》的作者,珍妮特·赖伯斯坦说“色情”周末是繁忙的夫妻重新沟通的有益方式。
- Janet Reibstein,the author of Love life,says that a steamy weekend is a healthy way for busy couples to reconnect. 《爱情生活》的作者,珍妮特·赖伯斯坦说“色情”周末是繁忙的夫妻重新沟通的有益方式。
- Every room in the hotel has a private bathroom. 旅馆中的每个房间都有一个单独浴室。
- The acute pressure rise may also cause corneal edema, giving the cornea a steamy appearance. 眼压急性升高也可以引起角膜水肿,使角膜呈现出篜汽样外观。
- Why you should expect it through the person of a steamy, devoted, often tiresome Jewess to find this kind of thing? 你为什么希望通过一个浑身冒着热气,忠心耿耿,却常常令人讨厌的犹太女人来发现这种东西?
- The city developed into a steamy, seedy river port like something out of a Joseph Conrad novel. 这个城市后来发展成了一个蒸汽弥漫、肮脏破旧的河港,就像约瑟夫·康拉德的小说里描述的那样。
- Champagne and chocolate-dipped strawberries prep you for a steamy bath laced with salts, bubbles and floating candles. 为你准备好了香槟酒和蘸着巧克力的草莓,以及配有盐、泡沫和漂浮着蜡烛的爱情洗浴。
- Helen is a former fashion model having a steamy affair with David, brother of her weaithy husband Ben. 海伦曾是著名的模特儿,她与丈夫宝尼的弟弟大卫有染。
- He awoke next morning from rosy scenes of dream to a steamy atmosphere that smelled of soapsuds and dirty clothes, and that was vibrant with the jar and jangle of tormented life. 第二天早上他从玫瑰色的梦境中醒来,屋子已是水气蒙蒙,带着肥皂泡和脏衣服的气味,全属都在艰苦生活的碰撞和嘈杂里震颤着。
- Michael emerged from the bathroom swathed in a towel. 迈克尔从浴室里出来,裹着一条毛巾。
- Revolutions against corrupt and ossified regimes in countries such as Russia and China stoked a steamy enthusiasm that took decades to dissipate. 而在中俄等国,反腐败、反僵化政权掀起的滚滚热潮,几十年后才得以驱散。
- Ice-cold watermelon on a steamy summer day really hits the spot. But you'll be best served by keeping it on your countertop until cutting time. 酷热的夏天吃冰冻西瓜当然是好享受.;但最好还是一直存放在桌上;不要冰冻的好
- We'll have one room with a bathroom and one room without. 我们要有一间带浴室的屋子,还要有一间不带浴室的。
- The suite have a bedroom, bathroom and a private sit room. 这套房子有一间卧室、一间浴室和一间起居室。
- The room is crafted from the finest materials from around the world and decked out with every imaginable luxury, from video on demand to a steamy Roman spa. 套房选用的是全球一流的材质,同时从应用尽有的视频点播,到热气腾腾的罗马水疗浴池,豪华设施一应俱全。
- Lara shows her gratitude by spending a steamy night with him with very nasty consequences as the next morning David suddenly finds himself on the BKA "Wanted" list. 罗拉为表示谢意,和大卫渡过了极尽缠绵的一晚。第二天早晨,大卫的名字竟出现在BKA的追杀名单上。
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 转寄给我们的邮件晚了很久才拿到。