- Be careful, the mule is a vicious beast, not safe abaft the beam. 当心,骡子是一种险恶的畜牲,(站在)它后面不安全。
- Be careful,the mule is a vicious beast,not safe abaft the beam. 当心,骡子是一种险恶的畜牲,(站在)它后面不安全。
- Be careful, the mule is a vicious beast, not safe abaft the beam 当心,骡子是一种险恶的畜牲,(站在)它后面不安全。
- The beam of the searchlight pierced the darkness. 探照灯的光柱射入黑暗中。
- His answer was right on the beam. 他的答案完全正确。
- He struck the beam with his head. 他的头撞到梁上了。
- The beam has a thickness of 3 inches. 这根梁厚3英寸。
- Never heard of her. You're off the beam. 我从来没有听说过这个人,你搞错了吧。
- ii) an alteration of course towards a vessel abeam or abaft the beam. 除对被追越船外,对正横前的船舶采取向左转向;
- If riches and virtue are put in opposite scales, riches will kick the beam. 如果把财政富和美德放在天平的两端,财富会翘起。
- Aft His station is abaft the foremat. 他的位置在前桅后。
- The beam of a flashlight played across the room. 手电筒的光照过房间。
- The beam bears the whole weight of the upper floor. 这根横梁支撑着上一层的全部重量。
- The beam was screwed down to the cross bar. 横梁已用螺丝柠在垮木上。
- He was unconscious of the beam in his own eye. 他并不知道自己的大毛病。
- The beam has a constant flexural rigidity. 该梁具有常数弯曲刚度。
- The huge bull caught him abaft the wheel-house and slammed him in the air. 那头巨大的公牛抵住他的后腰将他抛到空中。
- The huge bull caught him abaft the wheel - house and slammed him in the air. 那头巨大的公牛抵住他的后腰将他抛到空中。
- The gravity is measured by nulling the beam. 重力值是通过使横臂恢复零位而测定的。
- The beam bends to a circular profile of radius R. 梁弯曲成半径为R的园形形状。