- abbot of unreason "糊涂道长"(中世纪主持圣诞节狂欢嬉闹活动的人)
- the abbot of unreason "糊涂道长"(中世纪主持圣诞节狂欢嬉闹活动的人)
- The forces of unreason destroy one another in futile strife. 而那些非理性的力量则在无益的倾轧中互相毁灭。
- Soyen Shaku, abbot of a Japanese Rinzai monastry: Zen-Buddhism. ,日本的临济禅寺住持释宗演法师,介绍了禅宗佛教。
- It is a hydra-headed tree of unreason with a thousand roots. 他是枝繁叶茂的无理性之蛇发妖树。
- The shepherd showed the berries to the abbot of a nearby monastery. 牧羊人把梅子给附近修道院的修道士看。
- The forces of unreason destroy one another in futile strife . 而那些非理性的力量则在无益的倾轧中互相毁灭。
- The Abbot of Misrule counted the seconds off on his fingers. 议员用它的手指数着秒。
- The good Abbot of Holywood is a strong pillar to the weak. “圣林”修道院的主持是弱者的万无一失的靠山。
- All the priories were made directly subject to the abbot of Cluny. 所有小修道院都由克呂尼的院长直接管理。
- The making of unreasonably fine distinctions. 吹毛求疵作一些过于精细的区分
- Up to now, Obama has not responded well to this onslaught of unreason. 到目前为止,奥巴马还没有很好地回应这种非理性攻击。
- The abbot of this temple is a monk of great achievements in the Tao. 寺里的这位住持是得道的高僧。
- Abbot of Jambalin Monastery holding a "hada" to greet the Living Buddha. 昌都地区强巴林寺大主持手捧哈达迎接活佛进寺。
- To be loyal to rags, to shout for rags, to worship rags, to die for rags-that is a loyalty of unreason. 对破布忠心耿耿,替破布摇旗呐喊,把破布奉为神明,为破布鞠躬尽瘁--那就是一种愚忠。
- Venerable Sik Kwang Sheng, the executive advisor of this event, is the abbot of Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery. 光明山普觉禅寺方丈,释广声法师,是这场音乐会的执行顾问。
- We will not walk in fear one of another.We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason. 听说当时影片上映之时,大多数的观众都不了解电影阐述的那段历史,因此上映情况似乎并不理想。
- NUM= 21127 The Abbot of Three Peaks Monastery has told you that his monks were murdered by a Lotus Assassin. 三峰修道院的院长告诉你他的修道士们都被一个莲花刺客下了毒手。
- Life and death, attack and freedom, emotion and will power are core elements of unreason. 生和死、攻击和自由、情感和意志是非理性的核心要素。
- Swami Vivekenanda expounded inner Hinduism; Soyen Shaku, abbot of a Japanese Rinzai monastry: Zen-Buddhism. 斯瓦米·韦委卡南达详细阐述了印度教的核心;,日本的临济禅寺住持释宗演法师,介绍了禅宗佛教。