- Ability to think will accrue to you from good habits of study. 有了良好的学习习惯,思考能力就自然会有所增强。
- Drugs had sapped his ability to think. 药物已经影响到他思维的能力。
- The ability to think abstractly or profoundly. 抽象或深刻思维的能力
- Chess playing requires the ability to think through a problem. 下象棋需要有全面考虑问题的能力。
- Carolyn has the ability to think quickly and clearly. 凯洛琳才思敏捷,思。
- Early stage - memory loss with decreased ability to think. 早期:近期记忆力衰退,思考能力减低。
- It trained his ear [ability to think independently]. 这训练了他的耳朵[培养了他独立思考的能力]。
- Bryan had the ability to persuade people to think as he did. 布莱安有说服能力来使人们支持他的想法。
- We will furnish our students with the ability to think. 我们会让我们的学生具备思考的能力。
- The ability to think discriminates humans from other animals. 思维能力使人区别於其他动物。
- Those who have consciousness and the ability to think are undisciplined. 那些有意识和思考能力的孩子是没修养的。
- Ability to think clearly will accrue to you from good habits of study. 你的思考能力将因良好的学习习惯而自然增进。
- This tests your ability to think through the repercussions of your actions. 这道题是测试你对自己的行动所带来的影响的整体评估能力。
- It was sweet and thoughtful of you to think of it. 你们真好,为我想得那么周到。
- She has the ability to keep calm in an emergency. 她有处变不惊的本事。
- I began to think back to my childhood. 我开始回想起我的童年。
- He seems to think he has a monopoly of brains. 他似乎认为只有他才聪明。
- You are able to grasp ideas that others cannot even imagine, because you have an unusual ability to think abstractly. 你能够领会别人甚至无法想象的概念,因为你有着不同寻常的抽象思维能力。
- I don't doubt your ability to do the work. 我不怀疑你有能力担任这项工作。
- He is too angry to think clearly. 他火冒三丈连思维都不清了。