This paper discusses the opinion that it is not suitable to build the water cistern for a high rise building. 文章探讨了在城市建设高层建筑不宜单独设置储水池的论点。
Three or four times a year someone in a high rise building will feel the long swaying feeling of an overseas earthquake. 因为来自与海外的地震,在高层的人们一年当中会有3,4次会感到晃动。
Fever:abnormally high body temperature. 发热:不正常的高体温.
Abnormally high body temperature. 发热不正常的高体温
Points out the importance of correct calculation of the acting forces on fixed supports at the riser pipe of a water system in high rise building air conditioning. 指出了高层建筑中空调水系统立管固定支座受力计算的重要性,介绍了计算方法,给出了计算实例,并为保证波纹补偿器的使用寿命,提出了合理的选择方法。
The Influence of Abnormal High Mechanical Stress on the Quantitative Changes of Proteoglycan in the Cartilage Endplate in Rats. 高应力环境导致腰椎软骨终板蛋白聚糖含量改变。
The complex geologic characters and abnormal high pressure are existed in high dipped and anticlinal structure in the east of Sichuan. 川东地区高陡背斜构造地质情况复杂,井下压力异常。
Any of various diseases characterized by abnormally high body temperature. 热病以不正常的高体温为特征的各种疾病中的一种
MRI can show that the normal flow void of the dural sinus is disappeared, instead of abnormal high or equality intensities. MRI出现静脉窦正常流空效应消失,代之以异常等或高信号影;
The analysis results show: CPI can reflect generator abnormal high bidding sensitively and detect generator"s withholding behavior effectively. 分析结果表明:量价指数能够灵敏地反映发电商异常高报价、有效地发现发电商的持留行为。
This paper analyzes the cause of the formation of original abnormal high pressure and proposes an effective method to ensure cementing quality. 分析了原始异常高压层形成的原因,制定了保证固井质量的有效措施。
Steel braced frame is one of the structure forms in mid-high rise building widely used. 近年来,我国的大中城市相继出现了大批的中高层钢结构建筑。
Overload protection, if the power supply under test draw abnormal high current, the AC source output shutdown and alarm instead of blowing up a fuse. 过载保护,如果测试中的电源拉非正常的电流,交流源的输出就会关断,并发出警告而不是烧断保险.
Water supply for high rise building,fire profection,heating,chilledwater in rhe air conditioning system,town main,residential complex,industrial application, and Iow pressure circulator of the boiler system. 高层建筑生活、消防、采暖、空调系统给水,城镇、城市住宅小区公共供水,也可用于工矿企业给排水以及低压锅炉循环给水。
An abnormally high bodily temperature, as from a fever. 发热如发烧等不正常的高体温
Automatic Sprinkling System is widely applied for high rise building and deluxe hotels and the quality of construction and installation are essential to the effective performance of this system. 自动喷水灭火系统在高层建筑、级宾馆、店等场所应用比较普遍,但施工质量的好坏直接影响着系统灭火效能的发挥。
An abnormally high electric current may blow out the bulb. 过强的电流会使灯炮烧坏的。