- Rachel who died last week was still above ground. 雷切尔上星期去世,现在还没安葬。
- I'd bet that I'd find her if she was above ground. 我打赌只要她还活着,我就会找到她。
- Occurring above ground or water. 地面或水面之上发生的。
- Every day above ground is a good day. 人生在世的每一天都是一个好日子。
- Communications above ground were not much better. 地面的通讯也好不到哪去。
- The explosion also killed two people above ground. 地面上还有两人死于爆炸。
- Ground line to top of indicator should be at least 36". 地平线到指示器顶部应该至少为36英寸。
- He flies at heights of 6000 ft above ground level. 他在6000英尺的高空飞行。
- An electric line whose conductors are supported above ground, general by means of insulators and appropriate supports. 用杆塔和绝缘材料将导线架离地面的电力线路。
- This family could hardly keep their heads above ground. 这家人几乎没法活下去了。
- An underground defensive position with a fortified projection above ground level for gun emplacements. 掩蔽壕,地堡一个地下防御工事,有一个高干地面的,用来放枪的防御射击处
- Line 13 of Beijing Metro is the first ground line of Beijing urban rail transit. 摘要北京地铁13号线是北京城市轨道交通的第一条地面线路。
- Seeing as if I go above ground and another inmate spots me, I'm a dead man. 如果我从这里走出去会有狱友盯上我我就死定了。
- A jet stream is a narrow band of strong winds several kilometres above ground. 高空急流是距离地面数公里高的狭窄强风带。
- At the same time creativity ground line of waist of long and thin carve patterns or designs on woodwork is erect enchase go up in the wall, from on be down cut parallel. 同时创造性地将一条细长雕花腰线竖立镶嵌在墙上,从上向下切割平行线。
- The method is: Measure area size, fore-and-aft or lay off is transverse in the center of the ground line, repass does vertical line to be become namely in the center of this line. 方法是:测量地面尺寸,地面中心划出纵向或横向线一条,再通过此线的中心做垂线即成。
- The new buildings were built above ground level and cemented at the bottom. 这些新大楼建筑在地水准平面上,底部用水泥粘合。
- No,above ground is fine in its way,but one's home should be underground. 是的,住在地上从某一方面是好的,但一个好的住处应该在地下。”
- Actually, "Underground" is a misnomer, because more than half the shops are above ground. 实际上,“地下”这个名称用之不当,因为半数以上的店铺是在地面上的。
- The line contact on a grinding wheel forms the grinding line, the workpiece lies flush with the regulating wheel and is held in place from below by a guide rail. 无心磨削时,工件外圆表面在被加工的同时还被进行引导:与砂轮的线接触形成磨削线,这时工件靠在导轮上,并被支承导轨从下面支持。