- A substance containing chemical agents or abrasive particles and applied to smooth or shine a surface. 上光剂; 擦亮剂含有化学媒质或粗糙微粒的一种物质,被用来打光或擦亮一个表面
- Cautions:1. Do not use abrasive particles or metal brushes so as to avoid damaging the surface. 注意事项:请勿使用研磨粉剂及金属刷子等,以免伤害表面。
- This chapter covers safety when blast cleaning using abrasive particles in a stream of air or other gas. 本章包含采用含有磨料的空气流或其它气体流进行喷砂清洗的安全性问题。
- Grinding makes use of abrasive particles to do the cutting. Grinding operations may be classified as precision or nonprecision, depending on the purpose. 磨削利用磨粒来进行切削。磨削可根据不同的目的分为精磨和非精磨。
- The main mechanism is the furrow action and the micro-cutting action of the abrasive particles on martensite, as well as the brittle peeling of Fe_2B(Fe_3(C, B)). 其主要磨损机理,是磨粒对马氏体的犁沟作用和显微切削作用,以及Fe_2B(Fe_3(C·B))的脆断剥落。
- MAGIC(MAG-netic Intelligent Compound),a new type polishing pad,is one kind of solidified magnetic ferrofluid containing both magnetic particles and abrasive particles. 是由包含磁性颗粒和磨粒的磁性流体固化形成的新型抛光材料。
- Abrasive particles generally fall into the spherical, two types of diamond, usually used in sandblasting Jingang Sha (white steel-yu) corundum, corundum) for the diamond abrasive. 磨料按颗粒状一般分为球形,菱形两类,喷砂通常采用的金刚砂(白钢玉)刚玉、棕刚玉)为菱形磨料。
- Microfiber polishing cloths and terry cloth towels have a "nap" (the little cotton loops), which draws and traps abrasive particles or contaminants on the surface up into the towel instead of allowing them to scratch the sensitive paint. 超纤维抛光布和毛巾有一层拉毛,它可吸附和携带车漆表面的灰尘粒子或污物,以防止这些东西擦伤漆面。
- By considering the effect of the soft layer and the deformation of the abrasive particles on the material removal in chemical mechanical polishing(CMP),the solid-solid contact mode of CMP was modified. 通过分析软质层的形成、作用以及纳米磨料的自身变形对材料去除的影响,改进了CMP过程的接触力学模型;
- It is indicated that the grinding force is related to the total wear on the abrasive particles and the ground surface roughness to the number of working cutting edges. The theoretical analysis is in agreement with experimental results. 理论分析与初步试验结果表明,在磨削过程中磨削力的增大主要与砂轮表面磨粒的磨损棱面有关,工件表面粗糙度主要与砂轮表面的工作磨粒数有关。
- Monte Carlo method was applied for simulating plastic deformation wear rate of materials under the three body abrasion using ball like abrasive particles. 根据三体磨损是典型的随机过程这一特点 ;运用蒙特卡罗方法模拟在球形磨料的作用下 ;材料塑性变形磨损的磨损率 .
- In this paper,solid particle erosion test on eight materials have been performed using silicon carbide and silica abrasive particles within a range of erodent size of 0. 此外,还用多普勒风速计测量技术来研究固体磨粒浸蚀剂对陶瓷靶材试样相互作用的过程,系统研究了撞击变量变化对撞击过程的影响。
- The physical sieving method was used to optimize the size distribution of Diamond abrasive particle. 采用筛选方式进一步减小金刚石磨料公称尺寸的分散度,提高金刚石砂轮磨料的等高性;
- The relational order of indexes to mileages is acid value, ignition point, viscosity, number of big abrasion particles and severity of wear index. 对于汽车行驶里程,发动机油液监测指标间的关联序依次是酸值、燃点、闪点、黏度、大磨粒数和磨损烈度指数。
- We focused on the FF predicting network, the on-line detecting circuit of the lubricant quality and the detecting circuit of the ferromagnetic abrasive particle. 重点设计了FF监控网络、在线润滑油质量检测电路和铁磁性磨粒检测电路。
- An abrasive or filler used in a soap or detergent. 增清剂肥皂或去污剂中用的研磨剂或填料
- Chen, C. Y., and Chein, R. Y., Dec., 1999?Analysis of Abrasive Particle Dynamics in CMP Process, Proceedings of the 16th National Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan. 凌启文?简瑞与,1999年12月?射出压缩成型模具模板之热变形分析?第二十二届全国力学会议?台南市。
- The particles in an atom are infinitely small. 原子里的粒子极小。
- The influences of WC content upon wear resistance of sprayed coating were studied through testing of macroscopic hardness,low-stress abrasive particle wear resistance and analyse of microstructure of sprayed coating. 通过磨粒磨损试验、显微硬度测试和显微组织分析;研究了不同WC体积分数对喷焊层质量及其耐磨性的影响.
- He is studying the properties of these particles. 他在研究这些粒子的性质。