- absolute pore size 绝对孔径尺寸,真正孔径尺寸
- That can pass through a given pore size. 可滤过的能通过一给定微孔尺寸的
- That can pass througha given pore size. 可滤过的能通过一给定微孔尺寸的。
- Pore size is the symmetry, whether a small crack. 孔的粗细是否匀称,有无细小裂纹。
- The system pressure changed the adsorption abilities and pore size distributions of carbide and activated carbon. 反应压力能够改变炭化产物和活化产物的吸附性能和孔径分布。
- They are also easy to fabricate and can be produced with a wide range of pore size cutoffs for ultrafiltration. 聚砜膜也易于制作,并能制成各种孔隙大小膜,用在超滤上。
- The results show that BET specific surface area of AC is 1 654 m2/g, with reasonable pore size distribution (PSD). 结果表明:活性炭的BET比表面积达1 654 m2/g,具有合理的孔径分布,主要在2 nm附近。
- All of the effects could be accounted for by changes in the specific surface area,pore size distrib... 活性炭的比表面积、孔径分布和表面性质都会影响其吸附氢气的能力,其中,比表面积是最主要的影响因素。
- The pore size of mesoporous membrane is between the reverse osmosis s and the ultrafiltration s. 纳米孔膜的过滤类似于反渗透和超滤,均属于压力驱动的膜过程,但其传质机理却有所不同。
- Polymer blend carbonization is hopeful to become one method of finely controlling the pore size of carbon materials. 聚合物共混炭化法有望成为一种能够对炭材料孔径进行精细控制的方法。
- Please give clear indication of Dimension,operating pressure,filter type,filter medium and pore size. 货时请注明产品尺寸、操作压力、滤芯材质、过滤介质及过滤精度。
- Higher porosity and pore size result in greater bone ingrowth but diminish mechanical properties. 高孔隙率和大孔径有利于骨长入,但有损于力学性能。
- Experimental procedure for determining pore size distribution of porous materials by bubbling test is described. 本文描述了气泡法测量多孔材料孔径分布的实验方法和数据处理。
- This system can replace traditional elliptic pore size measuring method due to its efficiency and high precision. 本系统能取代传统的椭圆型孔径检测方法,简单迅速精度高。
- The pore size of alumina microfiltration membranes measured by GBPM decreases with the increase of membrane thickness. 首次发现膜泡压孔径随膜厚增加而减小;
- Ammonium salt solution can catalyze the activation reaction and make the BET surface area and pore size increase. 铵盐浸渍处理加快了活化反应的进行,使活性炭纤维比表面积明显升高,孔径增大。
- The change laws of pore size, water flux and retentivity of the membrane with pres-sure are investigated. 论述了不同配方铸膜液制成的膜,其孔径、水通量和截留率随操作压力的变化规律。
- Type III anodized surfaces can typically only be dyed black or dark green due to the denser pore size. III型阳极氧化表面由于密集的孔径大小,通常可以只染黑色或深色绿色。
- The developed technology is suitable for the production of low gage polymeric membranes of high porosity and narrow pore size distribution. 此技术适合生产用于多孔和细孔分离的低量剂聚合物薄膜。
- The pore size and the pore size distribution of CA and PAN UF membrane were determined by liquid-liquid displacement method. 利用液-液置换法测定了醋酸纤维ca超滤膜及聚丙烯腈PAN超滤膜的孔径及孔径分布。