- Similar Simulation Study on Abutment Pressure Distribution at Close-Distance Seams 近距离煤层开采侧向支承压力分布的相似模拟试验研究
- Abutment pressure distribution law of fully-mechanized face in soft, thick coal seam 极软厚煤层综采面超前支撑压力的分布规律
- Analysis of the relationship between abutment pressure distribution and floor heave of gateway 支承压力与回采巷道底鼓关系分析
- Numerical simulation analysis and study on the abutment pressure distribution laws at the fully mechanized caving face 综放采场围岩压力分布规律数值模拟研究
- Surrounding rock abutment pressure distribution and thickness effect of dynamic catastrophic in fully mechanized sublevel mining stope 综放采场围岩支承压力分布及动力灾害的层厚效应
- abutment pressure distribution 支承压力分布
- It is elaborated that the abutment pressure has the process of formation and development,by which the behavior mechanism is explained. 通过阐明采场前方支承压力存在形成和发展过程,从形成机理上给予解释说明。并应用这一规律解释了有关矿压现象。
- Overlength isolated working face reduces the superposed influence of two sides abutment pressure on isolated working face. 超长孤岛工作面减小孤岛工作面侧向支承压力的叠加影响。
- Metal lacing eyelets for optimum fastening and pressure distribution. 最好加速和减压的金属网状小孔。
- According to the character of abutment pressure, receive the conclusion that the minimum size to extract is relate to the gob area of the both sides, and provide the formula. 根据煤体支承压力分布特征得到最小孤岛煤体可开采尺寸与两侧采空范围相关的结论,并给出了计算公式。
- It is put forward that the top coal of low gaseous steep seam can be caved only when the top coal is in the limiting equilibrium state of stress under the abutment pressure. 应用弹塑性理论分析了矿山压力对急倾斜煤层顶煤破碎的作用,认为在低瓦斯急倾斜煤层中只有当顶煤在支承压力的作用下进入应力极限平衡状态时,顶煤才可放出,据此计算顶煤可能的分段高度。
- This curvature of the flow field alters the pressure distribution and the aerodynamic forces from their values in translational flight. 流场的弯曲使压力分布和空气动力与直线飞行时的值相比发生了变化。
- In addition, the effect of startup pressure gradient of Bingham fluid in stratum pressure distribution are analyzed. 分析了宾汉流体的启动压力梯度对地层压力分布的影响。
- Stress shell, which bears and pass load of overlying strata, is primary supporting body.The stress in skewback of stress shell forms abutment pressure of surrounding rock in vicinity of working face. 应力壳承但并传递上覆岩体荷载和压力,是最主要的承载体,应力壳拱脚处应力形成采场四周围岩支承压力。
- The analysis of the hydrostatic pressure distribution is beased on the momentum exchange equation of varying mass. 在动量恢复方程的基础上,分析了主流道的静压分布。
- The position and state of the main roof above the terminal line of the coalface nearby the rises affect the magnitude of the peak abutment pressure and the difficult extent of the rise maintenance. 上山附近终采线上方老顶岩层的位态影响着煤柱支承压力的大小和上山维护的难易程度。因此,工作面终采线的位置,应尽可能确定在老顶岩层周期来压完成之后。
- In this paper, pressure distribution of gaseous slip flow in parallel plates microchannel was studied. 对平行平板微型槽中气体滑移流动的压强分布特性进行了研究。
- Based on the key strata theory, the effect of the key strata breakage, position and the effect of the cut depth on the surrounding rock abutment pressure is analyzed in numerical simulation ways. 运用数值模拟方法,主要分析了关键层的破断、关键层相对位置及采深等对围岩支承压力的影响;
- For the PTD flow field, this thesis first presents inviscid flow solution of evolved pressure distribution. PTD内部流场问题,先不考虑黏性进行计算,并讨论PTD内部在不同时间的压力分布。