- She pushed her son to pursue an academic career. 她督促儿子从事学术。
- He storied about his academic career and his professional career. 他编造了他的学历经历。
- The campaign for Lyudmila cost Mervyn his academic career. 为情人柳德米拉而奔走呼告的活动却促使茂文的学术事业付之东流。
- Whith your help,I hope I will get through my academic career easily. 有您的指导,我相信我能顺利完成学业。
- However, it is still my on going favorite interest in my academic career. 然而,这仍然是我学术生涯中,非常喜爱的研究项目。
- Whith your help, I hope I will get through my academic career easily. 有您的指导,我相信我能顺利完成学业。
- The roots of the concept trace back to a phenomenon Steele explored shortly after he began his academic career at the University of Utah in the 1970s. 这个概念的根源可回溯到1970年代,史蒂尔在犹他大学开始学术生涯不久后所探讨的一个现象。
- C2 Please list any prizes, or similar distinctions in scholarships gained during your academic career. 请列出您曾获得的所有荣誉奖章或奖学金的名称。
- Sommerfeld's academic career spanned the latter half of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th. 他的学术生涯从19世纪的后50年一直延续至20世纪的前50年。
- Most people who pursue an academic career do so because they are fascinated by their subject. 很多人之所以会不懈追求学术事业高峰,是因为他们被所从事的研究深深吸引住。
- The foreword generally describes Jameson"s academic career and then draws main part. “前言”概述杰姆逊的学术生涯,并引出本文论题。
- I was at the cross-roads when I left university. I didn't know whether to follow an academic career or go into industry. 大学毕业时,我处在抉择的紧要头,我不知道是继续做学问还是从事工业。
- The academic career of Mr. Pan Guang dan shows the scholoastic meaning of comprehensive choice direction of anthropological research. 潘光旦先生的学术生涯说明了人类学研究综合性取向的学术意义。
- Sommerfeld's academic career spanned the latter half of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th.He was widely regarded as an influential physicist. 索默费尔德的学术生涯横跨19世纪后半叶和20世纪前半叶,他被公认为是一位有影响力的物理学家。
- Students can continue to develop their academic career, or devote themselves into education at high schools and institutions like museum and planetarium. 学生毕业后大多继续在学术界发展,此外也可以担任中学教师或在相关社教机构任职。
- His academic career has taken him to universities in England, the Netherlands and the USA and he is currently Professor of English at the University of Glamorgan. 为求学他曾去过英格兰、荷兰以及美国,目前正担任格拉摩根大学的英语教授。
- Ayres never refuted the claims, but was also never convicted, and later went on to an academic career in Chicago that brought him into contact with Barack Obama. 艾瑞斯从没有否认过这种说法,但是他也从来没有被定罪,后来他进入了芝加哥学术界并结识了巴拉克-奥巴马。
- Sloan was so impressed by the book that he invited Drucker to study GM, and Drucker agreed -- ignoring the warnings of those who said the project might derail his academic career. 斯隆被这本书深深地折服,于是邀请德鲁克到通用汽车进行调研。尽管有人警告德鲁克,这很可能毁了他的学术前程,但是他还是欣然接受了这个邀请。
- It is worth having a bet but the chances are you will lose and you can lose really badly, wrecking your academic career and not making any money at all”. 赌一把是值得的,但你可能会输,而且会输得很惨,断送你的学术生涯,而且根本赚不到钱”。
- We are not about to go through young Pen's academical career very minutely. 小潘的大学生涯,我们不打算详细描述。