- She already has good academic qualifications under her belt. 她已获得良好学历。
- We feel your high academic qualifications are being wasted here, Mr.Jenkins. 我们感到你学历很高,在这儿是浪费,詹金斯先生。
- Her academic qualifications are by the by. What we need is someone dynamic and creative. 她的学术资历倒是次要的,我们需要一个有活力、有创造力的人。
- All scholarships are subject to satisfactory academic progress and verification of academic qualifications. 奖学金选拔标准是依据参赛者的学历背景及符合学校入学资格始可获得。
- You MUST provide certified copies of the results slips of all academic qualifications entered in this Section. 你必须提交填写在本部分内所有学历资格的已盖章核实成绩单副本。
- The job offered must meet the sectoral requirement, and be relevant to the candidate's academic qualifications and working experience. 受聘人应受雇于与其学历和专业能力相关的职位,而工作的性质必须属于本计划指定的行业。
- It is ideal for anyone who is looking to bridge the gap between current qualifications and the academic qualifications accepted by Monash University. 对于希望弥补目前学历与蒙纳士大学所接受学历之间的差距的人士来说,这一课程非常理想。
- Academic Qualifications: Completed first year of Doctor of Medicine Program, University of Toronto; Honours Bachelor of Science, U of T. 学历:多伦多大学科学系荣誉学士-生物科学系,人体生物系专科;完成笫一年多大医学院医科。
- Nowadays when choosing staff , we not only emphasize the academic qualifications of a person, but also his practical ability. 现在选才不仅要看学历,还要看他有没有能力。
- The academic qualifications of Patrick Imbardelli, Asia boss of InterContinental Hotels, were exposed as bogus only during routine checks triggered by his elevation to the board. 只有在晋升入董事会而带来的常规核查中,洲际酒店集团亚洲区首席执行官殷德利的学历才被曝光是伪造的。
- Detectives believe both may have been tortured in a bid to reach a stash of money they had made through rigging bets and issuing false academic qualifications. 警探相信,两个受害者都曾被拷打,凶手的目的是得到藏匿的钱款,这笔钱是受害者通过操纵赌博和发放假文凭获得的。
- The Open University was founded in 1971; it offers tuition to degree standard to anyone who chooses to register -- there are no formal academic qualifications required for entry. 1971年英国成立了开放式大学,给那些注册人学的学生提供标准的学位教育,而且入学时并不要求持有正规的学历证书。
- Although he was not in possession of very high academic qualifications, he did not allow his sparkle to be dimmed. Later on, he became a highly-respected senior administrative officer in the government and diplomat. 虽然没有令人羡慕的高学历,但他却不让自己的才华埋没,后来成为了备受尊敬的政府高级行政官员和外交官。
- Although he was not in possession of very high academic qualifications,he did not allow his sparkle to be dimmed. Later on,he became a highly-respected senior administrative officer in the government and diplomat. 虽然没有令人羡慕的高学历,但他却不让自己的才华埋没,后来成为了备受尊敬的政府高级行政官员和外交官。
- The candidate should be employed in a job relevant to his her academic qualifications, professional abilities and working experience which cannot be readily taken up by the local work force. 受聘人应受雇于与其学历和专业能力及经验相关的职位,而该职位不能轻易觅得本地人担任。
- Our placement officers will help job seekers evaluate their academic qualifications, job skills, work experience and job preferences, and encourage them to look for suitable jobs actively. 我们的就业主任会协助求职人士了解自己的学历、技能、工作经验、对工作的要求等重要因素和鼓励他们积极选配合适的工作。
- Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run schools offering higher education for academic qualifications may grant relevant Chinese certificates of academic degrees in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State. 中外合作办学机构实施高等学历教育的,可以按照国家有关规定颁发中国相应的学位证书。
- Article 13: A general representative and a chief representative shall have the academic qualifications, work experience and work ability necessary for the performance of their duties. 第十三条?总代表和首席代表应当具备履行职责所需的学历、从业经历和工作能力。
- Education and Academic Qualifications: Dip Business Management, Hong Kong Baptist College;BA Language and translation, Hong Kong Open University;MPA, University of Texas at Austin. 教育背景 :香港浸会大学商业管理文凭;香港公开大学语文及翻译学士;美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校;专业会计硕士.
- The old man has a higher primary school academic qualification. 老人的学历是高小毕业。