- acantholytic dyskeratosis 棘层松解性角化不良
- focal acantholytic dyskeratosis 局灶性皮肤棘层松解性角化不良
- Acantholysis and dyskeratosis are the typical histological findings. 棘层松解和角化不良是典型的病理改变。
- A case of dyskeratosis congenita is reported and the family pedigree is also analyzed. 报告1例先天性角化不良并附家系调查报告。
- Skin biopsy was obtained from five cases,revealing pathological changes consistent with dyskeratosis congenita. 5例患者的皮损曾行组织病理学检查,其改变均与本病相符。
- Unchecked telomere loss by HSC, meanwhile, would appear to play a significant role in the pathogenesis of bone marrow failure, as observed in the condition dyskeratosis congenita. 当观察到角化不良的现象时,端粒缺失可能在骨髓衰竭的发病中起关键作用。
- Dyskeratosis congenita (DKC) is a rare inherited disease characterized by the triad of abnormal skin pigmentation, nail dystrophy, and mucosal leukoplakia. 先天性角化不良症(DKC)为一少见之遗传性疾病,三项主要特徵为皮肤色素异常、 指甲生长异常及黏膜白斑症。
- Dyskeratosis congenita (DC) is a rare inherited disorder characterized by the triad of heterochromia-like pigmentation, nail dystrophy and mucosal leucoplakia in the mouth or vagina. 先天性角化不良是一种少见的先天遗传性皮肤病,其临床三联征包括:甲板营养不良,口腔或阴道等可出现白斑,皮肤异色症样的色素沉着。
- The telomere reserve of neonatal stem cells suffices for about a decade, judging from the age of onset of dyskeratosis congenita a disease associated with inadequate telomere maintenance. 从先天性角化不良症(一种端粒维护不当的相关疾病)发作年龄来判断,新生儿的干细胞端粒储备足够满足约10年。
- benign papular acantholytic dermatosis 良性丘疹性棘层松解性皮病
- acantholytic herpetiform dermatitis 棘层松解性疱疹样皮炎
- acantholytic variant of squamous carcinoma 棘层松解型鳞癌
- Acantholytic vesicular dermatitis 皮肤棘层松解性水泡性皮炎
- transient acantholytic dermatosis 一时性棘层松解性皮肤病
- relapsing linear acantholytic dermatosis 复发性线状棘层松解性皮病
- congenital dyskeratosis cataract syndrome 先天性角化不良-白内障综合征
- congenital dyskeratosis of cornea 先天性角膜角化不良
- congenital dyskeratosis syndrome 先天性角化不良综合征
- congenital of cornea dyskeratosis 先天性角膜角化不良
- hereditary benign intraepithelial dyskeratosis 遗传性良性上皮内角化不良