- I will accept the award on behalf of the mayor. 我将代表市长领奖。
- He made a graceful speech accepting the award. 他作了一个得体的获奖演说。
- Accept the award and then work toward getting a promotion. 领奖然后朝着升官。
- I am here to accept the award on Ms. Winslet's behalf. 我在这儿代温斯莱特女士领这个奖。
- Aria manager Carol Gao was on hand to accept the award in Beijing. 餐厅经理高玉荣在北京接受颁奖。
- He accepted the award with characteristic modesty. 他以他一贯的谦逊态度接受了奖励。
- He was unable to come to the ceremony, but he sent his son to accept the award in his place. 他不能亲自来参加仪式,但派了他儿子前来代他领奖。
- Candidate must accept the award in person at the Rotary International Convention in Malmo-Copenhagen, June 2006; the award will not be presented posthumously. 候选人必须能亲自出席2006年6月马尔摩哥本哈根扶轮国际年会领奖;该奖项将不会颁给已故者。
- If the parties refuse to accept the award of arbitration over a perso el di ute, they may file an action in a people's court according to law. 当事人对人事争议仲裁裁决不服的,可以依法向人民法院提起诉讼。
- The court has announce the award to meet causation. 仲裁庭已宣布同意撤销原判决。
- Tom McCoy accepted the award on behalf of Hector from Vinod Dham. 汤姆·麦科伊代表海克特·鲁毅智接受Vinod Dham的颁奖。
- The scene,孙红雷injured his right hand to accept the award came to power, and the scene recalled the "adversary" David Wang paragraph of the story, praising his performance input. 现场,孙红雷右手带伤上台领奖,并现场回忆起了“对手”段奕宏的故事,大赞他对表演的投入。
- I had no alternative but to accept the offer. 我除了接受该项提议之外,别无选择。
- Lyndsey Rosevear, 25, accepted the award on behalf of her Rotaract club. 25岁的LyndseyRosevear,代表她的扶轮青年服务团接受颁奖。
- The award of this prize crowned his career. 他荣获此奖,这是他事业的顶峰。
- You had best not accept the offer. 你最好是不要接纳这要求。
- Her career climaxed in the award of an Oscar. 她荣获奥斯卡金像奖是她事业的顶峰。
- She decided, on reflection, to accept the offer. 她重新考虑後,决定接受那个建议。
- She begrudged her friend the award. 她嫉妒她的朋友获奖。
- However, when I thought that the honor also belonged to all the volunteers of GYVA, and would be good for the publication of our future volunteer work, I then delightedly went and accept the award. 但是,想到这个荣誉也属于我们广青的全体志愿者,想到有利于今后我们的志愿工作宣传,还是很欣喜地去领了这个奖项回来。