- I always accept criticism with an open mind. 我总是虚心接受批评。
- He is unapt to accept criticism with an open mind. 他接受批评还不够虚心。
- We should come to the problem with an open mind. 我们处理这个问题时不应抱有偏见。
- She listened to the proposal with an open mind. 她以无私的态度听取这项方案
- The boy accepted my advice with an open mind. 那个男孩诚心诚意地接受了我的劝告。
- That night I embraced this idea with an open mind and began a list. 那天晚上;我怀着试试看的心情;也开了张清单.
- I face it with an open mind, open hands and an open heart. 我以敞开的心扉,解放的双手和开放的心灵去面对它。
- He accepted his comrades' criticisms and suggestions with an open mind. 他虚心领受同志们的批评建议。
- The Member States had come with an open mind ready to show flexibility. 各成员国都愿意开明地表现出灵活性。
- But it will take even greater courage for the Singapore government to convince Singaporeans to welcome and accept them with an open mind. 新加坡能否说服自己的国民敞开胸怀去欢迎他们、接纳他们,则需要更大的勇气。
- The piecemeal engineer can attack his problem with an open mind as to the scope of the reform. 渐进工程师可以在改革的范围中不抱成见地提出自己的问题。
- accept with an open mind 虚心接受
- The only way to avoid this is to continue to advance,respect other people and study with an open mind. 唯一的办法就是不断地前进,就是尊重别人,虚心学习。
- So long as they study the new situation and new problems with an open mind,their performance will improve. 只要大家都虚心研究新情况、新问题,工作就会不断改进。
- Mentally challenge assertions, ideas, philosophies. Seek the truth with an open mind. 审判而听。思想上要敢于质疑各种主张,见解和哲学态度,以开放的心态寻求真理。
- So long as they study the new situation and new problems with an open mind, their performance will improve. 只要大家都虚心研究新情况、新问题,工作就会不断改进。
- Dare to make constructive criticism, and embrace the instructive criticism with an open mind. 大胆地提出建设性的批评,也虚心接受有益的批评。
- Mr Bush is floundering in Iraq and has a duty to explore every new idea with an open mind. 布什政府正在伊拉克苦苦挣扎,而且他有责任用开明的头脑认真考虑每一个新想法。
- He has an open mind in this matter. 他在这个问题上虚怀若谷。
- She contributed to the fund with an open heart. 她向基金会捐款,慷慨解囊。