- An attack of paralysis seized him. 他突然瘫痪了。
- Master: topographic diagnosis of paralysis. 掌握瘫痪的定位诊断.
- But on Ashurst there had now come a feeling of paralysis. 但这时艾舍斯特却不知道怎么办才好。
- Stroke: A sudden severe attack, as of paralysis or sunstroke. 突然发作一次突然的猛烈攻击,如麻痹和中暑。
- The 3-year old girl had onset of paralysis on 4 June. 1名3岁的女孩于6月4日发生麻痹。
- He had been crippled by a rare type of paralysis spreading from his ankle. 一种罕见的麻痹症从他的踝部扩散开来,最终道致他的残废。
- Decision-making has been fragmented to the point of paralysis, says Pincus. 据平科斯所说,政府的决断过机构已经被弄得四分五裂以致于瘫痪。
- To get rid of livestock's disease of paralysis, cartilage and also can prevent pig and chicken's geophagy. 防避畜禽软骨症、瘫痪症、以及防止猪、鸡的异食癖症;
- The second case, in Amhara region, the north-western part of Ethiopia, had onset of paralysis on 16 July. 第2例发生在埃塞俄比亚西北部的阿姆哈拉地区,于7月16日出现麻痹。
- Increasing gloom in the Australian industry has brought about "a measure of paralysis", Alexandra McPhee of KPMG says in a report on the sector. 她还说,负面情绪还有可能给澳大利亚葡萄酒业带来长期损害,因为其它国家会乘虚而入,夺走国际市场的机遇。
- Beyond the overall toll the findings paint a sobering picture of the cycle of paralysis and poverty. 报告指出,除了整体人数,调查结果清楚地描绘出瘫痪和贫困的循环。
- A means of access, control, or possession. 手段到达、控制或占有的方法
- One case of poliomyelitis has been reported in Mogadishu, Somalia where a 15-month old girl had onset of paralysis on 12 July 2005. 在索马里摩加迪沙已报告1例脊髓灰质炎,那里1名15个月大的女婴于2005年7月12日出现瘫痪。
- The plane climbed until it was clear of the clouds. 飞机爬升穿出了云层。
- Reading occupies most of my free time. 阅读占去了我大部分的闲暇时间。
- The most recent of these new cases had onset of paralysis on 28 May, before the immunization 'mop-up' campaign held on 31 May to 2 June. 最近的这些最新病例均在5月31日至6月2日期间开展的‘扫荡’免疫运动之前的5月28日发生麻痹。
- Blunders, I feel very frustrated, like a sick sense of paralysis, but then I had the opportunity and seize it," Wharton璇? 失误后,我感觉非常沮丧,有一种像病瘫的感觉,但随后我又有了机会,并且把握住了,”沃顿说。
- Encephalitis of sex of paralysis of cerebral concussion, head, poliomyelitis, virus, paraplegia, Gelinbali is waited a moment. 人体那些疾病是由于神经系统受伤而引起的?
- The troubles on the farm are emblematic of an overall feeling of paralysis gripping Japan, the world’s second-largest economy. 世界第二大经济体日本正在成为一个中风病人,农场主们遇到的烦恼正是这种总体感觉的象征。
- The pregnant woman of paralysis of face of amalgamative Bell, its preeclampsia occurence rate is 6 times of pregnant woman more general. 合并贝尔氏面瘫的孕妇,其先兆子痫发生率是一般孕妇的6倍。