- The same attitude led to a solution for control over the disputed access route to the Third Army. 正是这个态度才解决了有争议的埃及第三集团军的通道应由谁控制这个问题。
- The temple sits on Cambodia's side of the border, but the main access route to it is in Thailand. 这座寺庙座落在柬埔寨边境内,但是通往寺庙的主要通道却在泰国一边。
- To avoid disturbance to the country park beyond the project area, no haul route or access route shall be constructed for access to the site. 为避免对工程项目范围外的郊野公园地方造成滋扰,工程不得建造通往工地的通路。
- Linking the tips of these cantilevering box beams are a series if “U”-shaped trusses.these support the stadium floodlighting and provide an access route all the way round the whole roof. 连接悬臂箱形梁端部的一系列“U”形桁架之间纤细的弧形拱肋上。
- Unsafe access routes which are not to be made good before demolition and access routes to places which might be unsafe should be removed or barred. 对拆除之前未纠正好的不安全通道和通向不安全处的通道均应予以拆除或禁止使用。
- These tactics have had success in some areas, particularly rural towns where American forces can monitor access routes and where tribal chiefs know what is happening. 这些策略在一些地区取得了成功,尤其是在美军可以监控出入通路的乡村小镇以及部落领袖了如指掌的地区。
- He is on the way to Pakistan via the Silk Route. 他正经由丝绸之路在去巴基斯坦的旅途上。
- We drove home by a roundabout route. 我们绕远道驾车回家。
- We stopped at Paris en route from Rome to London. 我们从罗马去伦敦的途中曾在巴黎停留。
- I prick the map with a pin to show our route. 我用大头针在地图上扎孔标出我们的路线。
- He has chosen the most direct route. 他选取了最直的路线。
- One local map or aeronautical chart of an adequate scale which must clearly indicate ALL take offs, landing fields, vehicular access routes , restricted airspace and restricted areas. 一份适当比例的当地地图或航空图,必须清楚地指出起飞区、降落(著陆)区、车辆进出路线、限制的空域和禁区。
- In a network, a route between any two nodes. 网络中任意两个网点之间的一段路由。
- They passed through Paris en route for Rome. 他们途经巴黎前往罗马。
- There is a scenic route across the Alps. 穿越阿尔卑斯山有一条风景优美的路径。
- We traced out our route on the map. 我们在地图上画出我们的路线。
- The mountain route is practicable only in summer. 只有在夏季那条山路才可以通行。
- Students must have access to a good library. 学生要有使用好图书馆的便利条件。
- An overland route is comparatively safe. 陆路相对来说安全些。
- He was denied access to the Queen. 他未被准许接近女王。