- The land is to be sold with plan permission. 这块地与建筑许可证一并出售。
- We were refused permission to enter. 我们被拒之门外。
- They entered the area without permission. 他们未经许可擅入该地。
- Effort and achievement are always in full accord. 努力和成就总是相辅相承的。
- Your behavior does not accord with your principle. 你的行为与你的原则不符。
- His words are in accord with his ideas. 他心口一致。
- It's illegal to read people's private letters without permission. 未经允许看别人的私人信件是不合法的。
- Most of them accord in that opinion. 在这一点上他们多数意见是一致的。
- You can't take photographs here without permission. 未经许可你们不能在此处拍照。
- Father denied me permission to use his car. 父亲不许我用他的汽车。
- Such an act would not be in accord with our policy. 这种做法不符合我们的政策。
- With your permission I'll leave now. 如果你同意的话,我现在就动身。
- You were wrong to take the car without permission. 你未得许可就把汽车开走是不应该的。
- They live in perfect accord with each other. 他们生活在一起十分融洽。
- The teachers praised him with one accord. 老师们异口同声地称赞他。
- His words are in complete accord with his thoughts. 他说的话与他的思想完全一致。
- Be away from duties without the permission of a superior officer. 军人在未获上级军官允许的情况下擅离职守。
- We gave generously of our own accord. 我们自愿慷慨解囊。
- With one accord they all stood up and cheered. 他们全体一致起立欢呼。
- He always gives permission; she, contrariwise, always refuses it. 他总是予以应允; 她则相反,总是拒绝。