- Prices see-saw according to demand. 物价随需求变化而反覆涨跌.
- From each according to his ability,to each according to demand. 各尽所能,按需分配。
- Ensure right person available at right time according to demand and business of department. 根据业务需求确保及时录用合适的人选。
- In a flea market, prices fluctuate according to demand and supply, and therefore the Business is flexible. 跳蚤市场,价格随行就市,买卖灵活。
- Various specifications of top, top mercerizing shrinkproof processing according to demand. 各种规格毛条、丝光防缩毛条可根据需求来料加工。
- The creditor shall have the right to demand that the debtor fulfil his obligations as specified by the contract or according to legal provisions. 债权人有权要求债务人按照合同的约定或者依照法律的规定履行义务。
- Can refit at different lathe,become one important equipment to high accuracy complicated difficult part according to demand of user. 可根据用户的需求改装在不同的机床上,成为一类高精度、复杂难加工零件的重要加工设备。
- Sharui said : "OMA on the new building took Yangshi open design concept, internal functions can be adjusted according to demand. 莎瑞表示:“OMA对央视新大楼采取了开放设计的理念,内部的功能可以根据需求进行调整。
- The framework of DIAS can use this locality to centralize control according to demand or distributing remotely pilot controls a construction two kinds. DIAS的架构可根据需求采用本地集中控制或远程分布控制的两种控制结构。
- The code to demand government to exercise power according to basic social ethics is a "good" code. The code to vest the government with unrestricted power is a "bad" code. 要求政府依照社会之基本道德准则来行使权力的规矩是“良”法;赋予政府不受约束之权力的规矩是“恶”法。
- He ranged the books according to size. 他照大小顺序排列这些书。
- It is a green brownnesss or scarlet red oily liquid,the sense of taste is pure,tarnal piquancy.We can also provide oil chilli extract、water chilli extract according to demand. 产品为青褐色或深红色油状液体,味觉纯正,极其辛辣,可根据使用要求提供油溶性辣椒精、水溶性辣椒精。
- He ordered his life according to strict rules. 他把生活安排得十分刻板。
- The process of bag-making,measuring,filling,sealing,cutting,c o u n ting,heat-printing codes can be dne automatically,can be used according to demand of customers. 特点:自动完成制袋的计量、填充、封合、分切、易撕切口、计数、热压批号等功能,并可根据客户要求配置打码机。
- According to English law, Hubert is innocent. 根据英国法律,哈拍特无罪。
- He varies the treatment according to circumstances. 他根据情况,变换治疗方法。
- The code to demand government to exercise power according to basic social ethics is a “good” code. The code to vest the government with unrestricted power is a “bad” code. 要求政府依照社会之基本道德准则来行使权力的规矩是“良”法;赋予政府不受约束之权力的规矩是“恶”法。
- According to John you were in Edinburgh last week. 据约翰说,你上星期在爱丁堡。
- According to information received from ... 根据从。。。得到的消息。。。
- Built according to the specifications of the buyer. 定制的按顾客的专门要求建造的