- On How to Coordinate the Relationships between the Accounting Assessment Center and the Grassroots Units 浅议如何协调会计核算中心与基层单位的关系
- accounting assessment center 会计核算中心
- Recruit train and assess center staff. 招聘、培训和考核中心人员。
- The usual assessment center seldom deals with these factors. 通常的评鉴中心却很少考虑这些因素。
- Assessment centers do present some problems. 评鉴中心的确存在一些问题。
- Assessment centers in human resource management II. 评鉴中心在人力资源管理中的应用2。
- He started the Aquatic Research and Environmental Assessment Center at Brooklyn College in New York. 他在纽约的布鲁克林大学开设了水产研究中心和环境评估中心。
- He started the aquatic research Aquatic Research and environmental assesment center Environmental Assessment Center at Brooklyn College in New York. 他在纽约的布鲁克林大学开设了一个水生动物研究和环境评估中心。
- Take Force on Assessment Center Guidelines. (2000). Guidelines and Ethical Considerations for Assessment Center Operations. Pittsburg, PA: Development Dimensions International. 黄一峰(1998),管理才能评鑑中心建构效度及其影响因素之研究,国立政治大学政治研究所公共行政组博士论文。
- Biologist Martin Schreibman hopes more people will raise their own fish.He started the Aquatic Research and Environmental Assessment Center at Brooklyn College in New York. 渔业通常选择鲤鱼喂养,你也可以选择罗非鱼,鲶鱼,鲶科鱼,遮目鱼,鳗鱼或其他种类,这要看你生活在那里。
- To evaluate a cost function, accountants assess economic plausibility and goodness of fit. 评估一个成本的功能,会计师评定经济合理性和适用性。
- In 2003, Fangming was appraised "AAA credit pharmaceutical industry enterprises” by the Chinese credit assessment centers. 2003年被中国资信评估中心评为“制药行业信用AAA企业”。
- Do not part with the shares on any account. 无论如何不要放弃这些股票。
- Candidates, dressed in appropriate costume, must arrive in time at the assessment centers as scheduled and report to the duty officer for enrolment upon arrival. 考生须于指定登记时间到达考试场地应考,及必须穿著合适的衣物应考,并向该评估中心的职员报到,详情请按。
- She gave the true account of what had happened. 她如实地讲述了发生的事情。
- Please charge these bills to my account. 请把这些帐单记在我的账上。
- I think I'd like a deposit account. 我想要开个定期存款帐户。
- Beijing Energy Utility Assessment Center 北京合理用能评估中心
- You may open a current account at a bank. 你可以在银行开立一个活期帐户。