- achilles tendon contracture 跟腱挛缩
- "It's the end of the Achilles tendon in his right foot" he added. 菲尔普斯在谈到他漏水的泳镜时说:“我刚跳入水中,泳镜就进满了水。
- cicatricial contracture at Achilles tendon 跟腱挛缩
- The manager said the injury was to his foot, not his Achilles tendon or ankle. 这位经理说伤势在他的脚,不是他那金刚型的肌腱或脚裸。
- Aurelio has been missing for six months since rupturing his Achilles tendon. 奥雷里奥已经因为跟腱破裂而缺席了六个月的训练和比赛.
- Background: Nonoperative management of chronic tendinopathy of the Achilles tendon insertion has been poorly studied. 背景:有关跟腱附着点慢性病变的非手术治疗的研究很少。
- We utilized this flap in two cases of large skin defects over Achilles tendon and the results were excellent. 我们使用此皮瓣来治疗两个跟骨肌腱上的皮肤缺损的病例,此结果非常满意。
- Stress experiment: A total of 32 Achilles tendon rupture models were involved in the result analysis. 应力实验:32条跟腱模型均进入结果分析。
- Rafa Benitez expects Fabio Aurelio to return for pre-season following a successful operation on his Achilles tendon. 医生对奥雷里奥的肌腱成功地实施了手术之后,拉法表示奥雷里奥在下赛季的季前赛中即可复出。
- The pair had missed most of the 2005- 2006 season after Zhao Hongbo suffered a broken Achilles tendon August 2005. 2005和2006年,由于赵宏博在2005年8月跟腱断裂,几乎全部未出赛。
- Keywords: ultrasound, achilles tendon, mechanical properties, resonant frequency. 关键词:超音波、阿基里斯腱、机械特性、共振频率。
- Ankle, foot and achilles tendon injuries are the most common accounting for 20 per cent of all sporting injuries. 脚踝,脚和脚后跟韧带是最常受伤的部位,在所有运动损伤中占20%25。
- An Achilles' tendon is the worst injury you can have and he is a very lucky boy. 阿基里斯之踵是最严峻的伤害,而罗本这孩子很幸运,他逃过一劫。”
- High-heeled shoes will reduce the heel contact with the ground so long strained Achilles tendon. 穿高跟鞋会减少足跟部与地面接触,使跟腱长时间处于紧张状态。
- Acute rupture of Achilles tendon could be treated with open operation, percutaneous repair, or conservative therapy. 结论陈旧性跟腱断裂治疗及跟腱缺损的修复手术方式多种多样。
- The length of the lever of bone that the Achilles tendon pulls on also differed, being a quarter shorter in sprinters. 同时,两个对照组在跟腱拉动时产生的骨骼杠杆长度也存在不同,短跑运动员要短出四分之一。
- Objective: To evaluate the value of ultrasonography in diagnosing achilles tendon rupture. 目的:评价急性跟腱撕裂的超声诊断价值。
- They may be suffering from hammer-toe, hallux valgus and Achilles tendon damage. 她们可能患锤状趾、拇外翻及跟腱损坏。
- Just turn away from me. -The hind foot should also be observed. Achilles' tendon thickening or swelling may be seen. 转向远离我的方向。-也应观察脚后部。跟腱加厚或肿胀也许能看见。
- Henry: It's a big pity that Zhao severely injured his Achilles tendon last August! 亨利:太遗憾了,赵宏博去年8月份跟腱严重受伤!