- acid resisting alloy 抗酸合金
- Used in various inks and varnishes, and as an acid resist in photo-engravings. 用制各类油墨和清漆,并用作照相蚀刻版的抗蚀膜。
- acid resistant alloy 抗酸合金
- Acid resistant Ni-resist or bronze stem nut. 耐酸耐蚀镍合金或青铜阀杆螺母。
- Easily wearing position of draught fan case surface,made from A 3 steel,is forced to take build-up welding process of GTC wear resisting alloy,and the service life of it is increased by a factor of 9. 采用GTC耐磨合金堆焊工艺,表面强化济钢焦化厂A3钢引风机外壳易磨损部位,使用寿命提高8倍以上。
- Abstract The comprehensive mechanical properties of the heat shears were analyzed and the microstructures and properties of the surfacing high wear resisting alloy layer were studied. 分析了热剪刃的综合力学性能要求,并对表面堆焊高耐磨合金层的显微组织和性能进行了研究。
- Both oxygen and acid resistance of the partical anaerobes increased. 驯化菌株的耐氧件由专性厌氧变为兼性厌氧;耐酸性由初始酸度pH 5.;5时不生长变为pH 4
- Used for clay bricks, high aluminum bricks masonry in acid resistance furnaces. 用于高炉、热风炉及其它工业窑炉砌筑轻质粘土砖、轻质高铝砖。
- Development of Acid resisting Cement 抗酸水泥的研制
- Certain colors, due to pigment ingredients, may inherently have very poor sulfuric acid resistance. 某些颜料,由于色素组成成份的性质而导致耐酸性很差。
- Novel acidated resistant of emulsifying sludge RES is presented. 酸化作业中形成的酸渣,会导致储层的永久性损害。
- A double-phase heat resistant alloy contains proper amount of Cr and Ni and has both austenite and ferrite structure as well as much finer gr ains. 双相耐热合金含有合适的铬、镍含量,具有奥氏体和铁素体双相组织,其晶粒大大细化。
- Used for clay bricks ,high aluminum bricks masonry in acid resistance furnaces . 用于高炉、热风炉及其它工业窑炉砌筑轻质粘土砖、轻质高铝砖。
- An overview of the features of strain resistance alloy for foil strain gauge in property, composition, application and process is introduced. 简述箔式电阻应变计用应变电阻合金的性能要求、种类、应用以及工艺特点。
- Laser irradiation combined with APF treatment can increase the acid resistance of enamel. 10 0mJ激光照射后再使用 12 .;3g/LAPF可明显增强光滑面及咬合面牙釉质的抗酸性
- Objective:To investigate the effect of initiator on pulsed Nd:YAG laser in the acid resistance of human teeth in vitro. 目的:探讨应用增效剂对脉冲Nd:YAG激光提高人牙齿抗酸性能的影响。
- SiO_2 film was coated on the flake aluminum powder by sol-gel method to improve its acid resistance. 采用溶胶-凝胶法在片状铝粉表面包覆SiO_2薄膜,以改善其耐酸性能。 分析了正硅酸乙酯(TEOS)水解-缩聚反应在粒子表面包覆SiO_2膜的形成机理,并以此制备了SiO_2/Al复合粒子。
- High-nickel heat and corrosion resistant alloy casting in heat treatment baskets, rails High-chromiumheat and wear resistant castings Alloy steel and spherical graphite cast iron. 热处理炉用耐蚀合金铸件:料盘、料筐,导架等;高铬耐热耐磨铸件:冶金、建材机械用各种耐热磨件;合金钢和球墨铸铁件。
- The acid test for a policeman is whether he can resist bribes. 能否抗拒贿赂对於警察是决定性的考验。
- It has passed weathering resistance & acid resistance test of state building material test center. 已通过国家建筑材料测试中心的耐候性及耐酸性测试。