- We find out feasible treatment method of picric acid wastewater. 通过研究,找出了苦味酸废水较为可行的处理方法。
- Weathering of Copper Mine Waste Rock and Characteristics of Acid Wastewater. 铜矿废石风化及形成酸性废水特征
- The electrocoagulation-two stages biochemistry-adsorption technology for treating the CLT acid wastewater. 电凝聚-二级生化-吸附工艺处理CLT酸废水
- Through primary treatment of acid wastewater,polymerizing iron sulphate of sewage cleaning anents is prepared. 对酸洗废液进行一次性处理,并制取污水处理剂聚合硫酸铁。
- The treatment of acid wastewater containing heavy metal ion by anaerobe is an advanced technology. 摘要利用厌氧生物法处理含重金属离子酸性废水是一门前沿技术。
- This paper studies the main technological parameters for amino acid wastewater treatment using bipolar membrane water splitting technology. 摘要对利用双极膜水解离技术处理谷氨酸水溶液的各种工艺参数进行了探索。
- Copper and polymerized ferric sulphate were prepared by using scrap iron coils to react with acid wastewater containing copper ion. 利用废铁卷与含铜酸性废水作用制备金属铜和聚合硫酸铁,并用聚合硫酸铁作絮凝剂处理酯化废水。
- Sphingomonas xenophaga QYY was used to enhance the ability of membrane bioreactor (MBR) treating simulated bromamine acid wastewater. 采用鞘氨醇单胞菌强化膜生物反应器(MBR),对模拟溴氨酸废水进行处理。
- The COD of the tridecane dicarboxylic acid wastewater is high about ten thousands, and there is high concentration sodium sulfate in the wastewater. 十三碳二元酸生产中有机废水的COD值高达上万,且含有高浓度硫酸钠。
- This paper reviewed the environmental pollution in mine exploitation resulted by the solid wastes and acid wastewater,and puts forward cor... 对国内外矿山资源开发中的固体废物和酸性废水引起的环境污染问题进行了综述,并提出了相应的预防和治理对策。
- This paper presents experimental studies on the treatment of picric acid wastewater by using sulfonated coal sorption-micrbelectrolysis-biochemical process. 介绍了用磺化煤吸附-微电解-生化法处理苦味酸废水的实验研究。
- Calcium magnesium acetate(CMA)can be prepared by extraction of acetic acid from dilute acetic acid wastewater using trioctylamine and then by back extraction using dolomite lime. 用三辛胺萃取醋酸废水中的醋酸,加入白云石灰乳反萃,可制得环保型除冰剂醋酸钙镁盐(CMA)。
- Batch technical experiments indicated that CODCr removal ratio of CLT acid wastewater was over 96%, and CODCr of treated wastewater under 100mg/L at appropriately operating conditions. 在适宜的工艺条件下CLT酸母液的CODCr的去除率达96%25以上,且处理后出水CODCr低于100mg/L。
- The article analyses the technology of treatment mineral acidic wastewater which contains the valuable metal ions. 分析了处理含重金属离子矿山酸性废水的处理工艺。
- The study on adsorb resin for wastewater treatment and its application were discussed in the paper, example treating of hydroxybenzene wastewater, acid wastewater and sulfanilamide wastewater. 摘要介绍了吸附树脂在废水处理(重点介绍处理含酚废水、含酸废水、含磺胺废水)中的应用。
- This study on adsorb resin for wastewater treatment and its application were discussed in the paper,example treating of hydroxybenzene wastewater,acid wastewater and sulfanilamide wastewater. 介绍了吸附树脂在废水处理(重点介绍处理含酚废水、含酸废水、含磺胺废水)中的应用。
- Tests showed that acetic acid wastewater, when mixed with acrylic fiber wastewater in any proportion, exerted no harmful effects on the operation for the acrylic fiber wastewater treatment plant. 试验表明将腈纶废水与醋酸废水按任意配比混合,都不会对腈纶污水处理场的运行产生任何不利的影响。
- Effects of introducing acetic acid wastewater into acrylic fiber wastewater treatment plant in different ratios on the biodegradability and the effluent COD were discussed emphatically. 着重讨论了将醋酸废水按不同的比例引入腈纶废水处理场后,对腈纶污水处理场的出水COD以及可生化性的影响。
- The results show that the iminodiacetic acid wastewater can be treated effectively by electrodialysis method.The desalting rate is > 96% and the iminodiacetic acid loss percentage is <0.6%. 实验结果表明;采用电渗析法能够有效处理亚氨基二乙酸废水;电渗析脱盐率>96%25;亚氨基二乙酸损失率<0.;6%25。
- Large quantities of acidic wastewater were discharged by some small coal mines in Fengcheng city, which polluted the local farmlands and destructed the ecological environment. 丰城市部分乡镇小煤窑排放大量的酸性废水,污染了当地农田,破坏了生态环境。