- Acid suppressive level and drug selection for the management of acid related diseases 酸相关疾病治疗的抑酸水平及药物选择
- The transmission of sexual related diseases have been declining. 性病的传播已呈下降趋势。
- According to a report by the Health Education Authority, 12 people die every hour from smoking related diseases. 根据健康教育报告,每个小时有12人死亡是吸烟疾病。
- Typhus: Any of a group of related diseases caused by various species of rickettsia that release toxins into the blood. 斑疹伤寒:因不同种类的立克次体释放毒素至血液中而引起的一系列相关疾病。
- First, the amount is certainly triggering the increase in alcohol related diseases and deaths. 首先,饮酒过量当然是触发酒精相关疾病乃至死亡的原因。
- An estimated 300 thousand people died of HIV related diseases in Aisa last year. 估计去年亚洲大约有30万人死于HIV有关的疾病。
- I intend to disassociate from all related disease machinery. 我意愿离开一切相关的疾病机械装置。”
- Rohm and Haas is one of the world largest manufacturers and suppliers of specialty Chemicals and acrylic acid related products, with its head office located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. 美国罗门哈斯是世界知名的精细化学品公司,总部位于美国费城,生产个人护理、家庭和建筑、电子等领域的产品,在全球范围内改善人类生活质量。
- Proof of health insurance. This must include the results of tests for viruses, syphilis, pulmonary tuberculosis, color blindness, and consciousness related diseases. 健康证明书;检查项目需包括人类免疫缺乏病毒、梅毒、肺结核、色盲及精神疾病有关检查。
- This article reviews some progresses of myeloperoxidase about its structure,biological function,gene structure,polymorphism and related diseases. 本文就髓过氧化物酶结构、生物学功能、基因结构及多态性与相关疾病的研究进展简要综述。
- Conclusion The damages of tight junctions of gastric muc ous cells after HP infection may be one of the pathogenic factors of HP related diseases. 结论HP感染后,作为胃粘膜屏障组成部分之一的胃粘液细胞间紧密连接的破坏可能是HP致病的一个重要机制。
- It is not clear what the implications of this effect, if any, are for patients with leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma or related diseases. 假如存在的话,这种效应与白血病、淋巴瘤、骨髓瘤或相关疾病患者有何关联也尚不明确。
- Conclusion: RAPD can be used to study gene polymorphic of Malassezia and epidemiologic investigation for related diseases. 结论:RAPD作为研究马拉色菌属基因多态性的工具,马拉色菌属在相关疾病中存在多样性。
- Have there been any reported cases of cancer or other acrylamide related diseases / symptoms through use of these products? 有否任何因使用这些产品而产生人体致癌或其它疾病的报告?
- "Anoxia related diseases are the major causes of death in the industrialized world," said Goran Nilsson, a professor at University of Oslo. 了解动物如何应对缺氧危机,可帮助科学家们解决人类遇到的类似问题。
- The World Health Organization says Africa is the region with the most environmentally related diseases, followed by parts of Southeast Asia. 世界卫生组织说非洲是受环境影响患病最多的地区,之后是东南亚地区。
- Almost all kinds of amino acids, especially content of glutamine and aspartic acid related with food taste, are found at 7.71%,5.77% for glutamine acid and 4.61%,4.94% for aspartic acid, respectively. 所测氨基酸中谷氨酸含量最高(7.;71%25;5
- Result: The intravenous drip of human s placenta tissue fluid can be safely and effectively used to treat related diseases. 结果:人胎盘组织液能够用于临床上静脉滴注。结论:静脉滴注人胎盘组织液治疗相关病症是安全有效的。
- Conclusion:Mouse is an ideal experimental animal to research related diseases of myoepitheilal cell of lacrimal glands. 结论:小鼠是理想的研究泪腺肌上皮细胞相关疾病的实验模型。
- Sexually related diseases such as Chlamydia and herpes had also risen amongst young people, with one in three15- year-olds admitting they didn't use condoms. 另外,感染衣原体疾病及疱疹等性病的青少年增多。在15岁的青少年中,有三分之一承认他们在发生性行为时没有使用安全套。