- actinomycin AII 放线菌素 F8
- AII right. We shouId go back inside. 好吧,我们进去。
- We can stay aII night, have a party. 我们可以整晚在这里,开个聚会什么的。
- M: It is consciousness. AII is conscious. 它是意识。一切皆有意识。
- That's aII this is. -WeII, it's sort of working. 仅此而已。-是呀,他们的方法奏效了。
- AII right. Cheaper to run at night, huh? 哦对晚上运转时特别劣质吧?
- It is consciousness. AII is conscious. 它是意识。一切皆有意识。
- When she is aII wet, what's next? 水莲花全身湿透,之后会怎么样呢?
- May aii nights inspir love always. 漫漫长夜时时刻刻感到爱。
- But aii will pass,will end too pastyou konw. 时间仍将飞速即逝,一切也终将成为过去。
- English is a language spoken aii around the world. 首先 我不得不说你的文章里有很多拼写错误。
- And it's getting worse aII the time. 而且它越来越糟糕了。
- Aii the other things are theirs. 所有其他的东西都是他们的。
- AII right, so you're stiII Iiving at home? 哦,你还和父母住一块呀!
- CONCLUSION Actinomycin D can stimulate encephalitis B virus replication. 结论:放线菌素D可使持续感染的乙脑病毒复制增加。
- If you guys need anything eIse, just Iet me know, aII right? 你们还要其他东西的话就告诉我好吗?
- Sorry, I thought it was a medicaI term. You had me aII excited. 不好意思,我还以为是某个医学术语。让我兴奋暗生。
- AII the more reason for me to make a smooth transition. 那我从伟德到你们机构的过渡岂不会更自然?
- I'm just saying that I can handIe my own shit, aII right? 我是说我的鸟事我自己能搞定好吗?
- We have aII the same poIiticaI goaIs and ideaIs, aII of them. 我跟他们中的任一个都抱着同样的政治观点和价值观念。