- Management should support improvements in the form of small-step ongoing activities integral to existing processes as well as breakthrough opportunities, in order to gain maximum benefit for the organization and interested parties. 管理者应当支持将渐进的持续改进活动作为现有过程以及突破性机会的组成部分,以便为组织和相关方带来最大利益。
- The kitchen is an integral part of a house. 厨房是房子不可缺的部分
- Medulla can maintain normal BP, and is called basal center of cardiovascular activity integration. 延髓可以维持正常血压;属于心血管活动的基本整合中枢.
- Generative learning is the theory that involves the active integration of new ideas with the learner's existing schemata. 生成性学习是指积极地把新见解整合入已有知识体系的理论。
- Phased array can be made high efficiency, low cost, smaller, if active integrated antenna array's beam-scanning are realized by coupled oscillators. 摘要利用耦合振荡器阵列实现有源集成天线阵电扫描,可以实现相控阵天线高效率、低成本、小型化。
- European Union (EU) has been the most active integrated organization in promoting the implementation of KP in the international community. 欧盟是国际社会中积极推动实施议定书的一体化组织。
- Speech is fractional; silence is integral. 讲话是分数; 沉默是整数。
- we have taken pride in be self-reliant,China is now activ integr into the world. 前不久加入世贸就是一个很好的例子。
- Based on the work of the formers, this paper gave emphasis to the research of some problemsabout the theory and the design of the active integrated antenna (AIA) elements and array. 在前人工作的基础上,本文着重进行了有源集成天线单元和阵列的理论与设计相关问题的研究。
- Based on the work of the formers, this paper gives emphasis on the research of some problems about the design method and the harmonics suppression of the active integrated antenna (AIA). 在前人工作的基础上,本文着重对有源集成天线的单元设计方法和如何抑制有源集成天线的谐波辐射进行了研究。
- The arms and legs are integral parts of a human body. 臂和腿是人体不可缺少的部分。
- The indefinite integral is an antiderivative. 不定积分是反导数。
- In PL / 1, the activation of a procedure. 在pl/1语言中,一个过程的激活。
- Activation state of the event provider. 事件提供程序的激活状态。
- We can use the additive property of the integral. 我们可利用积分的可加性。
- Are activation and registration the same thing? 激活和注册是一样的吗?
- A new factor appears under the integral sign. 积分号内出现了一个新的因子。
- No activation is needed to use this function. 使用此功能无需预先设置。
- Didn't receive an activation email? 没有收到激活邮件?
- Maintenance Activity Integrated Logistics System 维修站综合后勤系统