- It has always been engaging in activities to split China, and it cannot shirk the responsibility for the Lhasa riots happened not long ago. 他们积极参与分裂中国的活动,并且不久前的拉萨暴乱也是由他们一手策划的。
- activities to split China 分裂中国的活动
- Dalailama, on the world stage, has been engaged in the traitorous activities in an attempt to split China. 达赖喇嘛在国际舞台上,不断从事分裂祖国的活动。
- It is the principle President Jiang Zemin has reiterated on many occasions: the Dalai Lama should give up his stand for the independence of Tibet, stop his activities to split the motherland and recognize that Tibet is an inseparable part of China. 我认为中国政府的态度一是有原则的,这就是江泽民主席多次重申的原则,达赖喇嘛要放弃西藏独立的主张,停止分裂祖国活动,承认西藏是中国不可分割的一部分。
- In deciding which way to deal with the issue of Taiwan,the Chinese government has no obligation to make a commitment to any country or any person attempting to split China. 中国政府在采取何种方式处理台湾问题上,并无义务对任何国家或图谋分裂中国者作出承诺。
- On the contrary, they have never ceased activities to split the motherland. At the end of the 1980s, they masterminded a number of serious riots in Lhasa. 相反,他们一直没有停止分裂祖国的活动,80年代末还在拉萨制造了几次严重骚乱事件。
- The Chinese Government is under no obligation to undertake any commitment to any foreign power or people intending to split China as to what means it might use to handle its own domestic affairs. 中国政府在采取何种方式处理本国内部事务的问题上,并无义务对任何外国或图谋分裂中国者作出承诺。
- In the 19th century,the people of all the ethnic groups in Xinjiang together with the Qing troops wiped out Yakoob Beg's reactionary forces and defeated the British and Russian invaders'plot to split China. 十九世纪,新疆各族人民协同清军消灭了阿古柏反动势力,挫败了英、俄侵略者企图分裂中国的阴谋。
- However,surrounded by foreign anti-China forces and Tibetan separatists,the Dalai Lama completely renounced the patriotic stand which he once expressed and engaged in numerous activities to split the motherland. 但是达赖喇嘛在国外反华势力和西藏分裂主义分子的包围下,完全背弃了自己曾经表示过的爱国立场,从事了大量分裂祖国的活动。
- This could come about as a result of the intrigues of the Japanese aggressors,the collaborators and the pro-Japanese elements to split China's anti-Japanese front when they find it impossible to attain the second direction. 这将是日寇、汉奸和亲日派无法达到第二个方向的目的,因而实行其破裂中国抗日阵线的阴谋诡计的结果。
- The two firms are going to split up. 两家公司要分道扬镳了。
- The Dalai Lama has lived abroad in exile for more than 40 years. He has never given up his stand on the "independence of Tibet", nor has he ever stopped political activities to split the motherland. 达赖喇嘛流亡国外40多年,始终没有放弃“西藏独立”的立场,没有停止过分裂祖国的政治活动。
- While we do have the greatest sincerity to work for a peaceful reunification, we cannot and will not undertake to renounce the use of force. We are fully capable of checking any attempt to split China by seeking Taiwan's "independence". 我们有最大的诚意努力实现和平统一,但不能承诺放弃使用武力,我们完全有能力制止任何“台独”分裂图谋。
- However, surrounded by foreign anti-China forces and Tibetan separatists, the Dalai Lama completely renounced the patriotic stand which he once expressed and engaged in numerous activities to split the motherland. 但是达赖喇嘛在国外反华势力和西藏分裂主义分子的包围下,完全背弃了自己曾经表示过的爱国立场,从事了大量分裂祖国的活动。
- Carry out sectarian activities to split the Party 进行分裂党的宗派活动
- Carrying out activities to help the poor and needy. 开展扶贫帮困活动。
- Attempts to split an electron always fail. 企图分裂电子的尝试总是失败的。
- They had to split the door open to save the child. 为了救孩子,他们只好把门砸开了。
- My friend is doing her best to split us up. 我的朋友竭力想拆散我们。
- To split or force apart with or as if with a wedge. 楔入,劈开用或好象用楔子劈开或使分裂