- acute seasonal febrile disease 春温
- Through the study of etiology,treatments,prescriptions and drugs,we can show the development of Seasonal febrile disease theory in Jin Yuan Period. 通过对金元时期温病学病名、病因病机、治法方药的系统研究,展示温病理论在金元时期的发展情况。
- Seasonal febrile disease is a general term for all acute febrile diseases resulting from various warm-heat pathogens in the four seasons. 温病是由四季中不同的温热之邪引起的所有急性热病的总称。
- Objective:To observe the mechanism of relativity between Qifen syndrome and microcosmic blood stasis from secrerive function of vaso endothelial cells in seasonal febrile disease (SFR). 目的 :从血管内皮细胞的分泌功能探讨温病气分证与微观血瘀的相关性。
- Objective:To observe the mechanism of relativity between Qifensyndrome and microcosmic blood stasis from secrerive function of vaso-endothelial cells in seasonal febrile disease (SFR). 目的:从血管内皮细胞的分泌功能探讨温病气分证与微观血瘀的相关性。
- school of seasonal febrile disease 温病学派
- high fever of seasonal febrile disease 温淫
- daoyin for seasonal febrile disease 温病候导饮法
- overstrained relapse of seasonal febrile disease 温病劳复
- instant paroxysm of seasonal febrile disease 新感温病
- doctrine of seasonal febrile disease 温病学说
- Itusually occurs in the seasonal febrile diseases that manifested as fever,headache, body aches, generalized heaviness, fatigue, abdominal distention, poor appetite, scanty and yellowish urine. 也是季节性热病的一种,表现有发热、头痛、身重而痛、怠倦、腹部胀满、食欲减退、小便短小而黄。
- Seasonal Febrile Disease (warm disease) is a clinical science of medicine that studys the occurrence, progress, diagnosis and treatment of febrile diseases that occurs in the four seasons. 温病学是研究四时温病的发生、发展规律及其治疗方法的一门临床学科。
- One of affected phases or stages in acute febrile disease. 温病辨证的一个部位或阶段
- seasonal febrile diseases caused by exogenous pathogenic factor 外感温病
- seasonal febrile diseases caused by insidious pathogenic factors 伏气温病
- Pathogenesis characteristic of SARS persistent period from seasonal febrile disease 从温病学探析SARS持续期的病机特点
- Development of TCM Education in Hebei Through Book Reform of Science of Seasonal Febrile Disease 从温病学教材改革看河北中医教育事业的发展
- Discussion on Pathogenesis and Differentiation Stages in Heat and Blood Stagnated Syndrome of Seasonal Febrile Disease 温病热瘀证的病机及分期证治探讨
- Syndrome Differentiation to the Triple Energizer Advocated by WANG Hao-gu and Its Influence on the Seasonal Febrile Disease 王好古三焦分证对温病学的影响