- Miracles are contrary to nature. 奇迹是与大自然的力量相对的。
- The new students are very slow to adapt to the rules. 新生对于那些规定适应得很慢。
- So far as adaptation to nature is concerned, all nature's creatures are marvelously perfect, for those that are not perfectly adapted she kills off. 中,作者谈论了自然变化与人类文明发展的关系问题。他说,就适应大自然来说,所有自然的生物都是奇妙完美的,因为自然灭尽了一切没有完全适应自然环境的生物。
- You must adapt to the norms of the society you live in. 在社会中生活就要遵循社会行为准则。
- Winter goes and spring comes.Ice and snow nelt.Everything comes to life and is full of vigor in nature.“Man adapts to nature relevantly. 冬去春来,冰雪消融,万物苏醒,自然界一切都充满了活泼的生机。
- To cause to adapt to social or economic change. 修整使之适应于社会或经济变化
- I'm trying to prevent the reversion of my garden to nature. 我正在试图防止我的花园返回一片荒芜的自然状态。
- Wide adaptability to tool shank accuracy. 对被夹刀柄的精度要求一般,适应性强。
- He wants to give away all his modern possessions and return to nature. 他要舍弃一切时髦的东西而归真返璞。
- To adapt to a specified measurement. 采用适应一种特别的测量方法
- Such afforestation efforts enabled the Tibetan people to achieve a qualitative leap from the centuries-old passive adaptation to natural conditions to remaking nature on their own initiative. 植树造林工作的开展,使西藏人民实现了由千百年来被动适应自然,进入主动改造自然的质的飞跃。
- I do not think I'll ever adapt to this culture. 我恐怕永远也适应不了这种文化。
- I reflection, I am willing to pay homage to nature. 我在反思,我甘心对大自然顶礼膜拜。
- People in ancient time are subject to nature. 古时候的人们受大自然的支配。
- I do not think I 'll ever adapt to this culture . 我恐怕永远也适应不了这种文化。
- The closer you stay to nature, the more you will appreciate her beauty. 你愈接近大自然,就愈能了解它的美。
- Strong skill of adapt to and learn new things. 很强的适应学习能力。
- Good eyesight, can adapt to night shift work. 视力好,能适应倒班。
- It's thought that cowboys stay closer to nature. 人们认为牛仔生活贴近大自然。
- Habit helps one adapt to his own energy cycle. 习惯帮助人适应自己的能量周期。