- The character of typical radiation noise from vessels is studied in this paper, adaptive FIR filter is applied to simulate this noise in computer and test and verify effetivity and practic. 先用FIR自适应滤波器对海洋宽带噪声仿真,通过采用改进的FIR滤波器的设计后对舰船辐射噪声进行仿真,仿真结果与实际舰船辐射噪声谱比。
- This paper introduces the basic theory of adaptive filtering, and gives a method of realization of adaptive FIR filter based on TMS320C32 floating point DSP. 在介绍自适应滤波基本原理的基础上 ,给出了基于TMS32 0C32浮点数字信号处理器 (DSP)实现自适应FIR滤波器的方法
- Active Control System of Piping Noise Based on Adaptive FIR Filter 基于自适应FIR滤波的管道噪声主动控制系统
- adaptive FIR filter 自适应FIR滤波
- adaptive FIR filtering 自适应FIR滤波
- A novel nonlinear adaptive prediction filter is presented based on a combination of PRNN and subband FIR filters. 基于PRNN神经网络与FIR子带滤波器,本文提出一种新颖的非线性自适应预测滤波器。
- In this paper, the general normalized least mean square (NLMS) adaptive algorithm was modified to ensure the linear phase of the FIR filter obtained in this way without the gradient noise amplifying. 它用经过改进的归一化最小均方(NLMS)算法来保证所得结果具有线性相位,且克服了梯度噪声放大问题,同时也不必选择步长。
- On a distributed algorithm based on FPGA pipelined FIR filter of the article. (译):在分布式算法基于FPGA的FIR滤波器的流水线的文章。
- There are several kinds of methods proposed for the designing of FIR filters, including the adaptive designing methods. 但用此法设计时必须小心地选择迭代步长,同时还可能遇到梯度噪声放大问题。
- In this paper, a instantaneous first-harmonic current detecting method based on cosine FIR filter is introduced . 文章提出了一种基于有限长余弦型单位脉冲响应滤波器的实时基波电流检测方法。
- Furthermore, an additional DLL is proposed to lock the tap delay time of the FIR filter, operating at 1.5625 GHz. 此外,我们还设计了一个操作在1.;5625十亿赫兹的延迟锁定迴路,用以锁定有限脉冲响应滤波器中延迟线的延迟时间。
- At the end two examples about digitally programming FIR filter and SI-OTA auto-tuning filter are given. 介绍了数字可编程FIR滤波器和SI-OTA自动调谐滤波器等新型开关电流滤波器,并分别给出设计实例和设计注意事项。
- Based on this,it introduce the design of a new project of the best digital channel,that of better design of CIC,HB, and FIR filter. 还研究了抽取滤波的设计,抽取滤波包括CIC、HB、FIR滤波器的设计以及它们的总体设计,这是本文的重点。
- An adapted clonal selection algorithm was used in the designing of FIR filter to find the optimal sample in the frequency sampling. 摘要将改进的克隆选择算法用于FIR数字滤波器的设计中,以确定频率过渡带样本的最佳值。
- In this thesis, a 4-tap fractionally spaced analog FIR filter designed for 10GBASE-LX4 fiber-optic communication performs channel equalization. 在本论文中,我们设计了一个适用于10GBASE-LX4系统的四级、部分延迟间隔类比有限脉冲响应滤波器做为通道等化器。
- In order to find good solution to FIR filter with some equation restrictions, the least square algorithm is combined with Lagrange method. 为了对带有一些频域等式约束的FIR低通滤波器进行良好的设计,在最小二乘的基础上结合拉格朗日法。
- We propose an oversampling scheme to deal with the received signal in order to reduce the clipping noise by using finite impulse response(FIR)filter. 为了克服这一缺点,提出了对接收信号过采样,在最小均方误差(MMSE)准则下,采用FIR滤波器降低限幅噪声。
- In this paper,application of FIR filter and FFT proce ssing technology in radar digital signal processing system is introduced. 介绍了数字信号处理FIR滤波器和FFT处理技术在地面侦察雷达中的应用。
- With the same number of multipliers in FPGA, the order of FIR filter in receiver with above optimum structure is nearly4 times than it implemented in direct way. 在FPGA乘法器资源相同的条件下,采用最优结构设计的接收机内部fir滤波器阶数比直接实现形式高了近4倍。
- In this paper,a method of realizing linear phase filter is introduced. We can use window function method of designing FIR filter to design linear phase FIR filter. 介绍线性相位滤波器的一种实现方法 ,即采用有限冲激响应 ( FIR)滤波器的窗函数法设计线性相位的数字滤波器。