- Because of unsynchronized lifting additional internal force is caused.Structural strength and whole stability are lacking during lifting. 整体提升过程中,由于各个吊点提升不同步,使结构产生附加内力,从而带来吊装过程结构强度和整体稳定不足的问题。
- additional internal force 附加内力
- Analysis on Additional Internal Forces of a Frame Structural Building on the Ground Surface over Goaves 采空区地表框架结构建筑物的附加内力分析
- Calculation of additional internal forces of RC frame filled with brick wall due to uneven ground settlements 砖墙填充框架在地基不均匀沉降作用下附加内力的计算分析
- Disorder of human internal force balance is the real reason for hyperosteogeny! 针刀医学给出了答案,即:人体内力平衡失调是骨质增生的根本原因。
- additional internal forces 附加内力
- Cathay Pacific has also adopted an additional internal action level to ensure that crew will not exceed the recommended exposure dose. 国泰航空已采用相关措施以确保机组人员不超过建议的年辐照量。
- A control can set its own custom properties and carry out additional internal logic based on the values contained in the personalization dictionary. 控件可以设置自己的自定义属性,并基于个性化字典中包含的值执行其他内部逻辑。
- Internal Force: force applied to object inside of system by other objects outside of system. 内力:系统中物体受到的系统内部其它物体施加的力。
- Based on the design load and internal force employed the content of load test is ascertained. 模型的加载测试内容按照原型桥梁设计荷载及使用内力来确定.
- But there is much difficult to protract the bending internal force figure in rigid frame due to multitudinous reasons. 而由于种种原因,目前对刚架中弯曲内力图的绘制存在较大的困难。
- Linguistically, the inner development of Chinese makes an internal force to absorb letter words. 从语言学看,汉语自身的发展要求是吸收字母词的内部力量。
- As a external force, the model selecting must be coincide with the internal force, rather than forming a counteraction. 影响经济发展的内外部条件的变化,会形成一种经济空间结构重组的内在动力。
- Learning motive is the internal force which is very important in propelling students to study. 学习动力是推动学生学习的内在力量,对提高教学质量十分重要。
- Therefore, the Europeanization of Chinese does not stem from an internal force, but rather originates from an external pressure. 因而,汉语的“欧化”不是起因于一种“内在的力量”,而是源自一种“外在的压力”。
- Research purposes:For the peculiar crankle coupling mechanics peculiarity of the curve bridge that the structure internal force is quite intricacy. 研究目的:曲线桥梁由于具有独特的弯扭耦合力学特性,使得结构受力相当复杂。
- UNICEF spokesman, Michael Klaus, says probably 20 to 30 additional international experts will be required to conduct rapid assessments of the needs in the Irrawaddy Delta. 联合国儿童基金会发言人克劳斯说,大概还需要20至30名国际专家来对伊洛瓦底江三角洲灾民的需求进行迅速的评估。
- FEM is applied to analyses the displacement and internal force of the structure under the two different mode of distribution of the earth pressure. 在此基础之上,利用弹性力学有限单元法分别对大圆筒结构在不同的墙后土压力分布情况下的位移、内力进行了计算分析。
- Furthermore, a mass of numerical calculations of the internal force of pile group under different magnitude and obliquity loads is made by the program. 此外,采用本文程序对不同荷载量级及倾角下群桩基础的内力进行了大量的数值计算。
- The internal force distribution of double-row anti-slide piles is studied by using plane strain finite element method (FEM). 摘要采用有限元法研究了考虑桩土相互作用的双排桩的内力分配。