- In addressing climate change, China has a unique opportunity to assert its rising global leadership role, as well as moral authority, writes George A. Akerlof. 乔治??克尔洛夫在强调全球变暖已经是事实的同时说到目前正是中国树立其世界领导权和道德权威的一个好时机。
- Economist Jeffrey Sachs said addressing climate change requires a firm commitment by rich countries to also address extreme poverty and the growing global population. 经济学家杰弗里.;萨克斯说,对付气候变化问题需要富裕国家做出坚定承诺,解决极端贫困和世界人口不断增加的问题。
- Obama brought along his energy czar, Carol Browner, who is expected to push hard for policies to address climate change. 临行前,一些劳工和进步团体致函奥巴马,敦促他坚持其北美自由贸易协定承诺。
- There has been a Faustian deal in selling this legislation so that it can address climate change while sustaining economic growth. 在出售此法案方面已经有了一个浮士德式的交易,这可能伴随着经济的成长。
- Mr. Gore has testified numerous times in support of legislation to address climate change and to revamp the nation's energy policies. 戈尔曾多次就气候变化发表演讲,敦促国会改变美国现有的能源政策。
- To address climate change, the government in June announced plans to restructure the economy, promote clean energy technologies, and improve energy efficiency. 为了解决气候变化的问题,中国政府于六月宣布经济结构调整、促进清洁能源技术和提高能源效率的计划。
- He says attaching great importance to the global warming, China has released national plans to address climate change, energy saving and pollutant discharge reduction. 他说中国高度重视全球环境变暖,已经发布了国家计划来应对气候变化、能源节约和减少污染物质排放。
- Analysts say the question of top polluter is politically charged.It touches on a nerve point at UN talks for a new global deal to address climate change. 周五一份报告警告说全球温室气体排放水平又创新高,科学家们指出中国已经超过美国成为世界最大的碳排放国,印度逼近第三位。
- Multilaterally, Nepal needs an unflinching commitment of help to address climate change from countries that contributed the most to creating the problem. 从国际角度而言,那些导致今天环境问题的主要国家应该对尼泊尔施以援手,帮助其解决气候变化问题。
- Developing biofuels worldwide to address climate change has been a dominant factor in driving up food prices, as less agricultural land is devoted to food, von Braun said. 据国际粮食政策研究所主题为“当前世界粮食形势:粮价上涨新的驱动力与必要措施”的报告中述,由于气候变化预期会造成全球粮食减产,这种情况对发展中国家的影响更加严重。
- It will be “quite ironic”, he added, to hear that “in a country [the US] that is firmly convinced that China is doing nothing to address climate change”. 他补充表示,“在一个坚信中国没有采取任何行动应对气候变化的国家(美国)”听到这些措施,将“非常具有讽刺意味”。
- Politicians from 11 Southern African countries gathered in Maputo, Mozambique, over the weekend to examine how to address climate change issues without reducing access to energy. 上周末,来自南非11个国家的政客聚集在莫桑比克的马普托,研究如何在不减少能源使用的情况下处理气候变化问题。
- In a report published today, Oxfam, Greenpeace, Christian Aid, Friends of the Earth, WWF and 15 other groups say rich governments must immediately address climate change to avoid even "obscene levels"of worldwide poverty. 在今天(10月20日)发布的一份报告中,英国牛津救济委员会、“绿色和平”组织、基督徒互援会、“地球之友”组织、世界野生动物基金组织以及其他15个团体和组织共同表示,财力富足的政府必须立即致力于改变日益恶化的气候条件,以免全球范围内的贫穷上升到无法忍受的程度。
- With its positive historical examples, McEwan's article is particularly compelling, and useful, for environmental advocates who believe that global cooperation is necessary to address climate change. 麦克.;伊 万以切实的历史实例使得文章尤为引人入目,而且对环保工作者们也很有价值,他们认 为全球合作是改善气候变化的必经之路。
- Now, as the world's largest economy and as the world's second largest emitter, America bears our responsibility to address climate change, and we intend to meet that responsibility. 作为全世界最大的经济体和排放量名列第二的国家,美国在应对气候变化方面有自己的一份责任,我们准备尽这份责任。
- Is water scarcity being caused by climate change? 水短缺是由气候变化引起的吗?
- Can we believe predictions of climate change? 我们能相信气候变化的预报吗?
- Canada Climate Change Development Fund. 该基金由加拿大国际开发局管理。
- There is no doubt that climate change is a reality. 毫无疑问,气候变化已经成为既定事实。
- China-US Climate Change Forum in Berkeley! 中美气候变化论坛的我!