- adducens oculi muscle 眼内直肌
- adducens oculi muscles 眼内直肌
- The subcutaneous excessive orbicularis oculi muscle is trimmed. 对照组5例,采用内田法治疗。
- Methods We suspend the orbicularis oculi muscle and fix the orbital septum in blepharoplasty. 结果近几年对32例患者进行治疗,得到满意效果。
- Objective:To study thc methods and effects of the nasal soft tissue defects repaired by the temporal flap pedicled with orbicularis oculi muscle. 目的:探讨眼轮匝肌蒂的颞区皮瓣修复鼻部软组织缺损的方法和效果。
- A narrow incision was designed and proper slack skin and orbital septal fat as well as orbicularis oculi muscle were resected in the operation. 通过较窄重睑线设计,去除适量松弛皮肤,去除臃肿眶隔脂肪及肥厚眼轮匝肌、睑板前结缔组织,改善重睑形态。
- Methods We suspend the orbicularis oculi muscle to elevate the brow and reconstruct supratarsa l fold for blepharoplasty. 方法通过眼轮匝肌悬吊进行眉上提术或联合重睑术式来进行眼睑整体的修复。
- Objective To explore a methods to repair facial palsy with lower eyelid ectropion using 0rbicularis oculi muscle island flap. 目的:探索应用下睑眼轮匝肌瓣结合颞部眼轮匝肌肌皮瓣治疗面瘫性下睑外翻的一种新方法。
- Methods: Browlift fixation and blepharoplasty through suspending the orbicularis oculi muscle repaired palpebrae, and wrinkle was removed by eyebrow incision. 方法:通过眼轮匝肌悬吊进行眉上提固定术和上睑成形术整体修复眼睑,同时通过眉部切口去除眉间皱纹及鱼尾纹。
- Blepharoplasty with concomitant eyebrowpexy is performed by fixation of orbicularis oculi muscle with the arcus marginalis via upper blepharoplasty incision. 眼睑成形合并眉部固定术则可以改善这个问题,方法是将环眼肌与弓状缘固定在一起,以达到年轻化的功效。
- Methods 83 cases were treated with double layers of orbicularis oculi muscle and fascioderis of orbital septum,the period of follow-up were ranged from Oct 2002 to Jan 2006. 方法:对83例睑袋患者进行双层眼轮匝肌瓣及眶隔固定的睑袋整复手术。
- To provide anatomical basis for transplantation of temporal flap pedicled with the orbicularis oculi muscle to repair soft tissue defects of middle jaw faces. 目的 :为眼轮匝肌蒂颞侧皮瓣转位修复中颌面软组织缺损提供解剖学基础。
- Methods Deeign the flap of the zygomatic or the temporal region with the orbicularis oculi muscle to pedicled repair the eyelid skin defect of the same side. 方法采用以眼轮匝肌为蒂的颧部、颞部皮瓣修复同侧上睑或下睑皮肤缺损。
- Methods Anatomy research shows that the conjunctional fascial tissue originated by levator muscle has a firm attachment to the anterior surface of the tarsus and the overlying orbicularis oculi muscle and skin. 方法解剖显示上睑提肌向下延伸的联合筋膜将位于其外层的皮肤肌肉与深面的睑板粘连在一起,起着上睑提肌与眼轮匝肌到睑板前各层组织的动力传递作用。
- All the flaps survived completely with good color match and appearance.Conclusion The pedicle of orbicularis oculi muscle can carry a long island flap and can be easily rotated.The flaps a... 结论眼轮匝肌为蒂可携带较长的局部岛状皮瓣,旋转转移方便,血供良好,色泽协调,是修复眼睑的良好选择。
- Methods Repairing lower eyelid ectropion of facial palsy by strongering lower eyelid supporting structure with orbicularis oculi muscle island flap and while uplifting the loosed face. 方法:用下睑眼轮匝肌瓣复合颞侧眼轮匝肌肌皮瓣加强下睑修复面瘫性睑外翻,同时利用现有切口提升患侧面部。
- Methods To remove wrinkles around the eyebrow,we adopted the method of supraorbital upper ridge incision or supraorbital lower ridge incision to fix fat pad and suspend orbicularis oculi muscle. 方法采用眉上缘切口或眉下缘切口,去除眉上、下缘的松弛皮肤,固定眉脂肪垫,悬吊眼轮匝肌,治疗上睑皮肤松弛。
- Methods After the incision was made, we undermined the lower lid flap superior to the orbicularis oculi muscle and deep to the inferior to the muscle after surpassing the level of tarsus. 方法:在进行下睑袋整形的组织瓣分离过程中,在睑板前,仅在眼轮匝肌表面分离形成皮瓣。分离到睑板下缘时,在眼轮匝肌深面分离形成肌皮瓣,使分离后的组织瓣像一阶梯形状而冠以阶梯瓣这一名称。
- All the flaps survived completely with good color match and appearance.Conclusion The pedicle of orbicularis oculi muscle can carry a long island flap and can be easily rotated.The flaps are ver... 结论眼轮匝肌为蒂可携带较长的局部岛状皮瓣,旋转转移方便,血供良好,色泽协调,是修复眼睑的良好选择。
- Some of them needed botulinum toxin injections in the pretarsal part of orbicularis oculi muscles. 有些患者用肉毒毒素注射到睑板前眼轮匝肌有效;