- adjoint kernel 伴随核
- Again, the architecture specific kernel code is in arch/*/kernel. 同时与处理器结构相关代码都放在arch/*/kernel目录下。
- I think there is a kernel of truth in these otherwise frivolous comments. 我认为在这些本来是无关紧要的评论中含有一定的真实性。
- The nutshell includes the kernel. 果壳裹着果仁。
- Remove old kernel image packages. 删除旧的内核映像包。
- He that will eat the kernel must crack the nut. [谚]不劳不获;要想吃果仁,必须破果皮。
- The Agheila defile was kernel of the situation. 阿盖拉隘路是全局的核心。
- The central kernel of a nut or seed. 籽仁坚果或种子中心的仁
- Too many references to some kernel object. 对某个内核对象的引用过多。
- The nut of this tree,having an edible sweet kernel. 灰胡桃果灰胡桃的坚果,长有一个可食用的甜果核。
- We must get at the kernel of the problem. 我们必须抓住问题的核心。
- The kernel code is all in kernel/modules. 核心代码位于kernel/modules.
- This led, as we shall see, to the concept of the adjoint equation. 这就引出了,如我们将要看到的,伴随方程的概念。
- Why would someone want to compile a new kernel? 为什么有些人想要编译新核心?
- Lonely adjoint is frenzied , spends being doubted that. 皒是否应该昏沈的去度过。
- Do you wish to save your new kernel configuration? 你希望保存新的内核配置吗?
- IPVS? Check to see if my kernel has IPVS enabled? 检查内核是否已经启用?
- Kernel use a RAM disk as its root partition. 内核使用一个内存虚拟磁盘作为它的根分区。
- This will load and start the kernel. 会加载并启动内核。
- The tunable kernel parameters exist within the. 虚拟文件系统中存在一些可调节的内核参数。