- However, due to the differences between computerized accounting and traditional one, both in accounting basics and in practical work, we must have changes in traditional audit, with modifying and confirming, to adjust to new conditions. 但由于会计电算化与手工会计无论在会计基础,还是在会计工作等方面都存在着较大差别,因此,传统意义上的审计必须进行改变、增补,以适应新的条件。
- You must adjust yourself to new conditions. 你必须使自己适应新的环境。
- She will have to adjust herself to new conditions. 她必须使自己适应新的环境。
- She will have to adjust herself to new conditions . 她必须使自己适应新的环境。
- He adjusted himself to new conditions. 他使自己适应新情况。
- It is not wasy to adapt oneself to new conditions. 很难使一个人适应新环境。
- I adapt easily to new conditions. 我很擅长适应新环境。
- If people come into close contact with society, they can adjust to new changes. 如果人们多接触社会就能够适应新的变革。
- Players with high adaptability are less likely to get homesick as they are better able to adjust to new countries and cultures. 拥有较高适应性的球员更容易融入新球队,新国家以及其文化,他们也不会想家而影响状态。
- to adjust oneself to new conditions 使自己适应新情况
- Could I adjust to Chinese life at72? 七十二岁的我能适应中国的生活吗?
- You can specify multiple conditions for use with a single transport rule by assigning new conditions to new variables. 通过为新变量指定新条件,可指定用于单个传输规则的多个条件。
- Astronauts in flight must adjust to weightlessness. 宇航员在飞行中必须适应失重状态。
- Maintaining prosperity demands constant, carefully prepared change to respond to new conditions. 我们需要仔细筹划,不断求变,以应付新的情况,才能使本港经济继续繁荣兴旺。
- Drastic environmental changes compelled all animals to adapt and readapt themselves continually to new conditions. 剧烈的环境变化迫使动物持续不断地调整自身,以适应新的生存条件。
- Rather , existing institutions have been pragmatically adapted to new conditions . 相反,许多现存制度被实用性地调整以适应于不同的新情况。
- Is it difficult to adjust to the new life here? 适应这里的新生活困难吗?
- To keep our economy and society flourishing,we need to take well considered and effective steps to respond to new conditions. 我们需要深思熟虑,仔细筹划,并采取有效的步骤去应付新的情况,才能使本港经济继续繁荣兴旺,社会继续蓬勃发展。
- He catch the redeye from los angel to New York. 他赶上从洛杉矶到纽约的夜航班机。
- When you go to a new country,you must adapt yourself to new condition. 入乡随俗,入国问禁。